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Press releases

A tale of three wagtails; familiar species in decline

August 2014

The latest Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) annual report shows all three UK breeding wagtail species are in long-term decline...

Welsh House Sparrows buck the trend

August 2014

House Sparrows, despite being in long-term decline across the UK, have increased in Wales by 96% between 1995 and 2012, as revealed in the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) annual report...

Linnet low in Northern Ireland

August 2014

Linnets suffered last year with the latest results from the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) revealing a fall of 37% between 2012 and 2013 in Northern Ireland...

Aerial feeders in Scotland

August 2014

They say that “one swallow doesn’t make a summer”, but there’s no doubt that the arrival in Scotland of our aerial feeders – swallows, martins and swifts – from south of the Sahara in Africa is greeted with joy by many people...

Robins take a break from gardens thanks to extremely mild weather

August 2014

Last winter, the British Trust for Ornithology’s (BTO) Garden Bird Feeding Survey saw very low numbers of birds using garden feeding stations because of the mild weather and abundance of natural food...

Wading birds feeling the strain on Northern Ireland’s estuaries

July 2014

Multitudes of wintering birds on an estuary form one of the most magical wildlife spectacles each winter in the UK, but this scene is changing...

Mixed fortunes for wading birds on Welsh estuaries

July 2014

Multitudes of wintering birds on an estuary form one of the most magical wildlife spectacles each winter in the UK, but this scene is changing...

Wading birds feeling the strain on Scotland’s estuaries

July 2014

Multitudes of wintering birds on an estuary form one of the most magical wildlife spectacles each winter in the UK, but this scene is changing...

Wading birds feeling the strain on England’s estuaries

July 2014

Multitudes of wintering birds on an estuary form one of the most magical wildlife spectacles each winter in the UK, but this scene is changing...

Wading birds feeling the strain on UK estuaries

July 2014

Multitudes of wintering birds on an estuary form one of the most magical wildlife spectacles each winter in the UK, but this scene is changing...

Norfolk Bat Survey honoured for inspiring the county

July 2014

At an award ceremony at the Abbey Conference Centre, Norwich, Dr Stuart Newson, Hazel Evans and Joe Rayner, the driving force behind the innovative Norfolk Bat Survey were presented with an award for inspiring others...

Chris the Cuckoo waves goodbye to Britain again

July 2014

Back in 2011, a Cuckoo in Suffolk was fitted with a satellite tag by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)to track his movements...

Birds and Climate Change - A global review of the impact of climate change on birds

June 2014

Climate change is likely to add to the many existing pressures on bird populations...

Cash for Cuckoos

June 2014

Britain’s cuckoos are £300 better off, thanks to support from an initiative to get people out and about in their local area to watch birds...

Good spring for Cornwall's Greenfinches?

June 2014

Despite the fact that they are declining across the country, Cornwall’s Greenfinches seem to have had a very good spring...

The oldest of its kind

June 2014

The oldest known Buzzard in the wild has clocked out at 28 years, 1 month and 11 days, breaking the previous record by nearly three years...

Fifteen winged saviours take to the air

June 2014

In a In a bid to bid to tackle the worrying decline in Cuckoo numbers, 15 satellite-tagged individuals are to take to the air during the next week, and begin transmitting information of their incredible journeys to researchers at the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology)...

Two globe-trotting Cuckoos return to the Broads

May 2014

Having spent the winter 3,000 miles away in the Congo Rainforest, two special Cuckoos have made it safely back to the Norfolk Broads...

Satellite-tagged Cuckoo returns to Scotland for third summer

May 2014

BB the Cuckoo is doing Scotland proud...

To feed or not to feed - that is the question

May 2014

The British Trust  for Ornithology (BTO) Garden BirdWatch (GBW) team often get asked during the summer whether, or not, to continue feeding garden birds...

Famous Cuckoo makes it back to the UK against all the odds

April 2014

In May 2011 the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) fitted a satellite tag to a Cuckoo in an attempt to help find answers behind the dramatic decline of this iconic species here in the UK...

A novel approach to monitoring bats

April 2014

A new study, just published in the journal British Wildlife, Newson, S...

Scientists hold their breath for the return of a very special Cuckoo called Chris

April 2014

Having clocked up over 45,000 miles and his tag having sent around 30,000 messages back to scientists in the UK, Chris the cuckoo is set to return to the East Anglian countryside for his fourth successive summer wearing a unique satellite tag...

Norfolk asked to go 'batty'

April 2014

The Norfolk Bat Survey (www...

Garden wildlife springs into action early

April 2014

As the latest results from the British Trust for Ornithology’s (BTO) Garden BirdWatch reveal, much of our garden wildlife has got going extraordinarily early this year...

In a changing climate it's a dog eat dog world

April 2014

New study demonstrates that climate change disrupts natural relationships between species Part II of the IPCC fifth assessment report, published at the end of March, reported that climate change is altering species’ distributions and populations with high confidence...

All of Britain and Ireland’s birds mapped digitally for the first time

April 2014

For the first time ever, over 3,500 maps showing the distribution, range change and abundance for over five hundred different species of bird that have been recorded in Britain and Ireland since 1968 are freely available online...

What a difference a year makes; early nesting in 2014

April 2014

Birds attempting to breed during the spring of 2013 were faced with freezing conditions as March temperatures plummeted way below the national average...

Robo-sandals: National charity unveils GPS-guided footwear for birdwatchers

April 2014

Did you see this story yesterday (1st April 2014)...

Dedicated volunteers count birds for two decades

March 2014

Over 150 people have recorded the birds on their own patch of countryside for twenty years in the name of science...
