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All publications for Gavin Siriwardena

Fahrig, L., Baudry, J., Brotons, L., Burel, F., Crist, T., Fuller, R.J., Sirami, C. ,Siriwardena, G.M. & Martin, J.L. 2011. Functional landscape heterogeneity and animal biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Ecology Letters 14 : 101-112 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01559.x)
Musgrove, A.J., Siriwardena, G.M., Noble, D.G., Risely, K. & Calbrade, N. 2011. Research in support of a targeted review of the current UK network of terrestrial and coastal Special Protection Areas (SPAs). Research Report no. 594. Link to publication 23pp
Pickett, S.R.A. & Siriwardena, G.M. 2011. The relationship between multi-scale habitat heterogeneity and farmland bird abundance. Ecography 34 (part 6) : 955-969 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.06608.x)
Siriwardena, G.M. & Hulme, M.F. 2011. The influence of vegetable production on farmland bird populations. Research Report no. 579. ISBN: 978-1-906204-90-7 40pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
Davey, C., Vickery, J., Boatman, N., Chamberlain, D., Parry, H. & Siriwardena, G. 2010. Assessing the impact of Environmental Stewardship on lowland farmland birds in England. Aspects of Applied Biology 100 : 51-58 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2009.01001.x)
Davey, C.M., Vickery, J.A., Boatman, N.D., Chamberlain, D.E. & Siriwardena, G.M. 2010. Entry Level Stewardship may enhance bird numbers in boundary habitats. Bird Study 57 : 415-420 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2010.505642)
Davey, C.M., Vickery, J.A., Boatman, N.D., Chamberlain, D.E., Parry, H.R. & Siriwardena, G.M. 2010. Assessing the impact of Entry Level Stewardship on lowland farmland birds in England. Ibis 152 : 459-474 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919x.2009.01001.x)
Hulme, M.F. & Siriwardena, G.M. 2010. Bird survey assessment for Bayer CropScience, Great Chishill. Research Report no. 552. ISBN: 978-1-906204-71-6 27pp £2.50 Download Report (PDF)
Pickett, S., Coombes, R., Sansom, A., Musgrove, A.J. & Siriwardena, G. 2010. Reducing the risk of exposure of free range poultry to highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) in Britain. Research Report no. 551. ISBN: 978-1-906204-84-6 176pp £15.00 Download Report (PDF)
Siriwardena, G.M. 2010. The importance of spatial and temporal scale for agri-environment scheme delivery. Ibis 152 : 515-529 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2010.01034.x)
Siriwardena, G.M., Calbrade, N.A. & Vickery, J.A. 2008. Farmland birds and late winter food: does seed supply fail to meet demand?. Ibis 150 : 585-595 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2008.00828.x)
Siriwardena, G.M. & Anderson, G.Q.A. 2007. How can agri-environment measures providing winter food for birds best deliver population increases?. Aspects of Applied Biology 81 : 117-126
Siriwardena, G.M., Stevens, D.K., Anderson, G.Q.A., Vickery, J.A., Calbrade, N.E. & Dodd, S. 2007. The effect of supplementary winter seed food on breeding populations of farmland birds: evidence from two large-scale experiments. Journal of Applied Ecology 44 : 920-932 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2007.01339.x)
Robinson, R.A., Siriwardena, G.M. & Crick, H.Q.P. 2006. S31-1 The population decline of the Starling Sturnus vulgaris in Great Britain: patterns and causes. Acta Zoologica Sinica 52 : 550-553 Link to publication
Siriwardena, G.M. 2006. Avian nest predation, competition and the decline of British Marsh Tits Parus palustris. Ibis 148 : 255-265 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2006.00525.x)
Siriwardena, G.M., Calbrade, N.A., Vickery, J.A., & Sutherland, W.J. 2006. The effect of the spatial distribution of winter seed food resources on their use by farmland birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 43 : 628-639 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2006.01170.x)
Robinson, R.A., Siriwardena, G.M. & Crick, H.Q.P. 2005. Size and trends of the House Sparrow Passer domesticus population in Great Britain. Ibis 147 : 552-562 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919x.2005.00427.x)
Proffitt, F.M., Newton, I., Wilson, J.D. & Siriwardena, G.M. 2004. Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula breeding ecology in lowland farmland and woodland: comparisons across time and habitat. Ibis 146 : 78-86 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2004.00363.x)
Siriwardena, G.M. & Stevens, D.K. 2004. Effects of habitat on the use of supplementary food by farmland birds in winter. Ibis 146 : 144-154 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2004.00366.x)
Siriwardena, G.M., Wernham, C.V., & Baillie, S.R. 2004. Quantifying variation in migratory strategies using ring-recoveries. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27 : 299-317 Link to publication
Aebisher, N.J., Bradbury, R., Eaton, M., Henderson, I.G., Siriwardena, G.M. & Vickery, J.A. 2003. Predicting the response of farmland birds to agricultural change. Research Report no. 289. ISBN: 1-902576-58-6 220pp £15.00 Download Report (PDF)
Chris Wernham, Mike Toms, John H Marchant, Jacquie Clark, Gavin Siriwardena, Stephen R Baillie 2002. The Migration Atlas: Movements of the Birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology Link to publication ISBN: 0713665149 884pp £94.99
Chamberlain, D.E., Freeman, S.N., Siriwardena, G.M., Vickery, J.A. & Bradbury, R.B. 2002. The potential value of the field scale evaluation in assessing the impact of GMHT crops on birds and mammals. Research Report no. 293. ISBN: 978-1-906204-14-3 112pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
Siriwardena, G.M. & Robinson, R.A. 2002. Farmland birds: demography and abundance. Aspects of Applied Biology 67 Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne : 179-188
Wernham, C.V., Toms, M.P., Marchant, J.H., Clark, J.A., Siriwardena, G.M. & Baillie, S.R. (eds) 2002. The Migration Atlas: movements of the birds of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser, London ISBN: 978-0713665147
Baillie, S.R., Crick, H.Q.P., Balmer, D.E., Bashford, R.I., Beaven, L.P., Freeman, S.N., Marchant, J.H., Noble, D.G., Raven, M.J., Siriwardena, G.M., Thewlis, R and Wernham, C.V. 2001. Breeding Birds in the Wider Countryside : their conservation status 2000. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, Norfolk Download Report (PDF)
Chamberlain, D.E., Freeman, S.N., Siriwardena, G.M. & Vickery, J.A. 2001. The effects of GM crops on summer bird and mammal occurrence - a power analysis. Research Report no. 260. ISBN: 978-1-906204-17-14 43pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
Crick, H.Q.P., Shawyer, C.R., Siriwardena, G.M., Balmer, D.E. & Toms, M.P. 2001. The BTO Barn Owl Monitoring Programme: 1st Report: Pilot Year 2000. Research Report no. 258. ISBN: 1-902576-28-4 45pp £15.00 Download Report (PDF)
Siriwardena, G.M., Baillie, S.R., Crick, H.Q.P. & Wilson, J.D. 2001. Changes in agricultural land-use and breeding performance of some granivorous farmland passerines in Britain. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 84 : 191-206 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/S0167-8809(00)00210-3)
Siriwardena, G.M., Freeman, S.N., & Crick, H.Q.P. 2001. The decline of the Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula in Britain: is the mechanism known?. Acta Ornithologica 36 : 143-152
Siriwardena, G.M., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Clark, N.A. 2001. Bird indicators of sustainability for the water industry. Research Report no. 257. ISBN: 1-902576-33-0 79pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
Siriwardena, G.M., Wilson, J.D., Baillie, S.R. & Crick, H.Q.P. 2001. Can the historical CBC trend for skylarks Alauda arvensis be 'recovered' using present-day agricultural habitat preferences and changes in agricultural land-use?. Book title: The ecology and conservation of skylarks Alauda arvensis RSPB, Sandy : 56-60
Whittingham, M.J., Bradbury, R.B., Wilson, J.D., Morris, A.J., Perkins, A.J. & Siriwardena, G.M. 2001. Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs foraging patterns, nestling survival and territory distribution on lowland farmland. Bird Study 48 : 257-270 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063650109461226)
Chamberlain, D.E. & Siriwardena, G.M. 2000. The effects of agricultural intensification on skylarks Alauda arvensis: evidence from monitoring studies in Great Britain. Environmental Reviews 8 : 95-113 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1139/er-8-2-95)
Fewster, R.M., Buckland, S.T., Siriwardena, G.M., Baillie, S.R. & Wilson, J.D. 2000. Analysis of population trends for farmland birds using generalised additive models. Ecology 81 : 1 970-1 984 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1890/0012-9658(2000)081[1970:AOPTFF]2.0.CO;2])
French, P., Insley, H., Siriwardena, G. & Buxton, N. 2000. The breeding success of a population of Lapwings in part of Strathspey 1996-1998. Scottish Birds 21 : 98-108
Siriwardena, G.M. & Schifferli, L. 2000. RT14: Birds and agricultural change: past, present and future research for conservation and management. Book title: Proceedings of the 22nd International Ornithological Congress held in Durban, South Africa, 1998
Siriwardena, G.M., Baillie, S.R., Crick, H.Q.P. & Wilson, J.D. 2000. Agricultural land-use and the spatial distribution of granivorous farmland birds. Ecography 23 : 702-719 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2000.tb00314.x)
Siriwardena, G.M., Baillie, S.R., Crick, H.Q.P. & Wilson, J.D. 2000. The importance of variation in the breeding performance of seed-eating birds for their population trends on farmland. Journal of Applied Ecology 37 : 128-148 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2664.2000.00484.x)
Siriwardena, G.M., Baillie, S.R., Crick, H.Q.P., Wilson, J.D. & Gates, S. 2000. The demography of lowland farmland birds. Book title: Ecology and conservation of lowland farmland birds. Proceedings of the 1999 BOU Spring Conference. BOU, Tring : 117-133 Link to publication
Siriwardena, G.M., Crick, H.Q.P., Baillie, S.R. & Wilson, J.D. 2000. Agricultural habitat-type and the breeding performance of granivorous farmland birds. Bird Study 47 : 66-81 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063650009461161)
Krebs, J.R., Wilson, J.D., Bradbury, R.B. & Siriwardena, G.M. 1999. The second Silent Spring?. Nature 400 : 611-612 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1038/23127)
Peach, W.J., Siriwardena, G.M. & Gregory, R.D. 1999. Long-term changes in over-winter survival rates explain the decline of reed buntings Emberiza schoeniclus in Britain. Journal of Applied Ecology 36 : 798-811 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2664.1999.00445.x)
Siriwardena, G.M., Baillie, S.R. & Wilson, J.D. 1999. Temporal variation in the annual survival rates of six granivorous birds with contrasting population trends. Ibis 141 : 621-636 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1999.tb07370.x)
Toms, M.P., Siriwardena, G.M. & Greenwood, J.J.D. (Part lll.A.1 written by Freeman, S.N. & Siriwardena, G.M.) 1999. Developing a mammal monitoring programme for the UK. Research Report no. 223. ISBN: 1-902576-19-5 313pp £20.00 Download Report (PDF)
Siriwardena, G.M. & Black, J.M. 1998. Parent and gosling strategies in wintering Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis. Wildfowl 49 : 18-26
Siriwardena, G.M., Baillie, S.R. & Wilson, J.D. 1998. The determination of farmland bird abundance: survival or nesting success? (abstract). Ostrich 69 : 215-216
