Wetland bird ID and WeBS (1-day – WWT Slimbridge)

Golden Plover
Ed Drewitt
Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - 10:00 to 16:00
Fully booked

Improve your wetland bird identification skills and discover the Wetland Bird Survey

Improve your wetland bird identification skills and learn about the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) on this one-day course for relative beginners and improvers. With a focus on waterfowl and waders, discover more about our wetland birds at this world-famous site for wetland birds. Expect a combination of indoor sessions covering the basics of bird identification and outdoor sessions to build your confidence in the field.

This course aims to provide you with the following:

  • An overview of the birds you can expect to see in UK wetlands.
  • Identification pointers for a range of common wetland birds.
  • Specific guidance on distinguishing between similar-looking waders and waterfowl.
  • An introduction to the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) and how it works.
  • Opportunity to practice your identification skills in the field.

This 1-day course costs £60. The price includes teaching, course materials, entry fees and refreshments during the day. Please bring a packed lunch.

Online booking is available for this event but if you have any queries about booking a place, please email Anne.Cotton [at] bto.org or ring 01786 458021.


This web page or application is currently unavailable due to routine maintenance.

Service will be reinstated as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Links to current active BTO projects to check availability:

BirdTrack - Login to BirdTrack  /  Information about BirdTrack

Breeding Bird Survey - Login to BBS online  /  Information about the survey 

Garden BirdWatch - Login to GBW  /  Information about the survey

Heronries Census - Login to Heronries Census  /  Information about the survey

Nesting Neighbours - Login to Nesting Neighbours  /  Information about the survey

Nest Records Scheme - Login to Demography Online  /  Information about the scheme

Ringing Scheme - Login to Demography Online  /  Information about the scheme

Waterways Breeding Bird Survey - Login to BBS online  /  Information about the survey 

Wetland Bird Survey - Login to WeBS Online  /  Information about the survey

Woodcock Survey - Login to Woodcock Survey  /  Information about the survey

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