Bird Club Partners

The UK is fortunate in having a great tradition of local bird clubs and natural history societies. These clubs play an important role in engaging bird watchers and helping them to develop their field skills. Many clubs produce county reports and undertake regional surveys in addition to contributing large amounts of information to BTO national surveys such as Bird Atlas 2007-11.

BTO recognises the important role that bird clubs and natural history societies play and encourages its members to support their local club. 

The BTO birdclub partnership provides clubs with an opportunity to be featured on the BTO website and to have their Annual Bird Report advertised for free in our member's magazine BTO News.

Take a look at the full list of (pdf) or view our featured Bird Clubs for more information about the individual societies.
The Bird Club Partnership is open to any Bird Club, so if you aren't a partner and would like to join, then please contact Ieuan Evans ( or alternatively download the .

It's free to join and you will receive our member magazine, BTO News, and enjoy free advertising for your annual bird reports. We are also happy to provide speakers at meetings and help organise regional events.

A directory has been compiled to help Bird Clubs and similar organisations in finding speakers for their indoor meetings.

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