Ros Green

Research Ecologist

Ros works as a Research Ecologist supporting the fieldwork, analysis and reporting work on the Wetland & Marine Research Team.

Interests & Responsibilities

Ros has a strong background in field ornithology, working on research projects studying seabirds, waders and passerines within multiple flyways.  She has an 'A' ringing permit with training endorsement, and strong experience with various avian digital tracking technologies/techniques.  These skills make her ideal for running, or supporting other, tracking studies.

Her main research interests are around the effects of anthropogenic habit change and trophic level imbalance on K-selected avian species.  This interest fits perfectly with the predominant work of the Wetland & Marine Research Team, around the effect of offshore marine renewables on seabirds.  It also fits well with the external ringing groups she volunteers regularly with (SCAN & Wash Wader Ringing Group), who conduct long-term monitoring of waders on the west and east coasts of Britain.


BSc (Hons) Zoology with Animal Behaviour, Bangor University, 2011-2014

Recent BTO Publications

Green, R.E., Taggart, M.A., Pain, D.J., Clark, N.A., Cromie, R., Dodd, S.G., Elliot, B., Green, R.M.W., Greenwood, L., Huntley, B., Leslie, R., Porter, R., Price, M., Roberts, J., Robinson, R.A., Smith, K.W., Smith, L., Spencer, J., David Stroud, D. & Thompson, T. 2025. The proportion of common pheasants shot using lead shotgun ammunition in Britain has barely changed over five years of voluntary efforts to switch from lead to non-lead ammunition. Conservation Evidence Journal 22 : 18-25 View at journal website (DOI: 10.52201/CEJ22/EXYS6184)
O’Hanlon, N.J., Clewley, G.D., Davies, J.G., Johnston, D.T., Booth Jones, K.A., Green, R.M.W., Weston, E., Humphreys, E.M. & Cook, A.S.C.P. 2024. Trial of the use of silicone cord leg-loop harnesses on Black-legged Kittiwake during the 2023 breeding season. Research Report no. 772. BTO, Thetford, Norfolk ISBN: 978-1-912642-69-4 21pp
Thaxter, C.B., Green, R.M.W., Collier, M.P., Taylor, R.C., Middelveld, R.P., Scragg, E.S., Wright, L.J., Cook, A.S.C.P. & Fijn, R.C. 2024. Behavioural responses of Sandwich terns following the construction of offshore wind farms. Marine Biology View at journal website (DOI: 10.1007/s00227-023-04353-7)
Johnston, D.T., Thaxter, C.B., Boersch-Supan, P.H., Davies, J.G., Clewley, G.D., Green, R.M.W., Shamoun-Baranes, J., Cook, A.S.C.P., Burton, N.H.K. & Humphreys, E.M. 2023. Flight heights obtained from GPS versus altimeters influence estimates of collision risk with offshore wind turbines in Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus. Movement Ecology 11 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1186/s40462-023-00431-z)
Cook, A.S.C.P., Thaxter, C.B., Davies, J., Green, R.M.W., Wischnewski, S. & Boersch-Supan, P. 2023. Understanding seabird behaviour at sea part 2: improved estimates of collision risk model parameters. Link to publication ISBN: 978-1-83521-271-4
van Bemmelen, R.A., Leemans, J.J., Collier, M.P., Green, R.M.W., Middelveld, R.P., Thaxter, C.B. & Fijn, R.C. 2023. Avoidance of offshore wind farms by Sandwich Terns in the North Sea increases with turbine density. Ornithological Applications View at journal website (DOI: 10.1093/ornithapp/duad055)

Other Publications

Blackburn, J.R., Green, R.M. & Leech, D.I. 2018. Report of the British Trust for Ornithology to JNCC on licences issued during 2017. British Trust for Ornithology.
Blackburn, J.R., Green, R.M. & Waters, J. 2017. Report of the British Trust for Ornithology to JNCC on licences issued during 2016. British Trust for Ornithology.
Stubbings, E.M., Büche, B.I., Miquel Riera, E., Green, R.M. & Wood, M.J. 2016. Seabird monitoring on Skomer Island in 2016. JNCC Report.
Stubbings, E.M., Büche, B.I., Miquel Riera, E., Green, R.M. & Wood, M.J. 2015. Seabird monitoring on Skomer Island in 2015. JNCC Report.
Stubbings, E.M., Büche, B.I., Wilson, A.,Green, R.M. & Wood, M.J. 2014. Skomer Seabird Report. Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales.

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