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All publications for Chris Thaxter

Thaxter, C.B., Ross-Smith, V.H., Clark, J.A., Clark, N.A., Conway, G.J., Marsh, M., Leat, E.H.K. & Burton, N.H.K. 2014. A trial of three harness attachment methods and their suitability for long-term use on Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Great Skuas. Ringing & Migration 29 (part 2) : 65-76 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/03078698.2014.995546)
Wade, H.M., Masden, E.A., Jackson, A.C., Thaxter, C.B., Burton, N.H.K., Bouten, W. & Furness, R.W. 2014. Great skua (Stercorarius skua) movements at sea in relation to marine renewable energy developments. Marine Environmental Research Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2014.09.003)
Burton, N.H.K., Thaxter, C.B., Cook, A.S.C.P., Austin, G.E., Humphreys, E.M., Johnston, A., Still D.A. & Wright, L.J. 2013. Ornithology Technical Report for the Proposed Dogger Bank Teesside A and B Offshore Wind Farm Projects. Research Report no. 643. Link to publication
Johnston, A., Ausden, M., Dodd, A.M., Bradbury, R.B., Chamberlain, D.E., Jiguet, F., Thomas, C.D., Cook, A.S.C.P., Newson, S.E., Ockendon, N., Rehfisch, M.M., Roos, S., Thaxter, C.B., Brown, A., Crick, H.Q.P., Douse, A., McCall, R.A., Pontier, H., Stroud, D.A., Cadiou, B., Crowe, O., Deceuninck, B., Hornman, M. & Pearce-Higgins, J.W. 2013. Observed and predicted effects of climate change on species abundance in protected areas. Nature Climate Change 3 : 1 055-1 061 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1038/nclimate2035)
Maclean, I.M.D., Rehfisch, M.M., Skov, H. & Thaxter, C.B. 2013. Evaluating the statistical power of detecting changes in the abundance of seabirds at sea. Ibis 155 (part 1) : 113-126 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2012.01272.x)
Thaxter, C., Ross-Smith, V., Burton, N., Wade, H., Masden, E. & Bouten, W. 2013. Connectivity between seabird features of protected sites and offshore wind farms: Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Great Skuas through the breeding, migration and non-breeding seasons. Book title: BOU Proceedings - Marine Renewables and Birds BOU Link to publication
Burton, N.H.K., Austin, G.E., Cook, A.S.C.P., Humphreys, E.M., Johnston, A., Morrison, C.A., Thaxter, C.B. & Wright, L.J. 2012. Ornithological Technical Report for the Proposed Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Offshore Wind Farm Projects.. Research Report no. 630. Link to publication
Maclean, I.M.D., Rehfisch, M.M., Skov, H. & Thaxter, C.B. 2012. Evaluating the statistical power of detecting changes in the abundance of seabirds at sea. Ibis 155 (part 1) : 113-126 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2012.01272.x)
Thaxter, C.B., Lascelles, B., Sugar, K., Cook, A.S.C.P., Roos, S., Bolton, M., Langston, R.H.W. & Burton, N.H.K. 2012. Seabird foraging ranges as a preliminary tool for identifying candidate Marine Protected Areas. Biological Conservation Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.12.009)
Thaxter, C.B., Cook, A.S.C.P., Johnston, A. & Burton, N.H.K. 2011. Review of statistical techniques to model the at-sea distributions of breeding Sandwich Terns. Research Report no. 582. ISBN: 978-1-906204-89-1 57pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
Thaxter, C.B., Moran, N.J., Musgrove, A.J. & Burton, N.H.K. 2011. The National Seawatching Workshop 11 November 2010 conclusions and recommendations. Research Report no. 591. ISBN: 978-1-906204-93-8 26pp £2.50 Download Report (PDF)
Thaxter, C.B., Ross-Smith, V.H, Clark, N.A, Conway, G.J., Wade, H., Masden, E.A., Rehfisch, M.M, Bouten, W., Burton, N.H.K 2011. Measuring the interaction between marine features of Special Protection Areas with offshore wind farm development zones through telemetry: second breeding season report. Research Report no. 610. Link to publication 52pp
Thaxter, C.B., Ross-Smith, V.H., Clark, N.A., Conway, G.J., Rehfisch, M.M., Bouten, W. & Burton, N.H.K. 2011. Measuring the interaction between marine features of SPAs with offshore windfarm development zones through telemetry: first breeding season report. Research Report no. 590. Link to publication 72pp
Burton, N.H.K., Thaxter, C.B., Cook, A.S.C.P., Austin, G.E., Wright, L.J. & Clark, N.A. 2010. Evaluating the potential impacts of tidal power schemes on estuarine waterbirds. BOU Proceedings 2010 - Climate Change and Birds Link to publication
Thaxter, C., Joys, A., Gregory, R., Baillie, S. & Noble, D. 2010. Hypotheses to explain patterns of population change among breeding bird species in England. Biological Conservation 143 : 2 006-2 019 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2010.05.004)
Thaxter, C.B., Wanless, S., Daunt, F., Harris, M.P., Benvenuti, S., Watanuki, Y., Gr 2010. Influence of wing loading on trade-off between pursuit-diving and flight in common guillemots and razorbills. Journal of Experimental Biology 213 : 1 018-1 025 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1242/jeb.037390)
Thaxter, C.B., Daunt, F., Hamer, K.C., Watanuki, Y., Harris, M.P., Gr 2009. Sex-specific food provisioning in a monomorphic seabird, the common guillemot Uria aalge: nest defence, foraging efficiency or parental effort?. Journal of Avian Biology 40 : 75-84 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-048X.2008.04507.x)
