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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Bluey completes his desert crossing

12 Jul 2022
Bluey has continued his journey south, flying 429km (267 miles) south from his last location in Mauritania, crossing briefly over Mali and arriving in Senegal. By 06:21 this morning he was in the south eastern corner of Senegal, approaching Niokolo-Koba National Park. Hopefully he will now find some good places to rest and recover from his desert crossing. At the moment 3,174km (1,972 miles) separate Bluey in west Africa from Joe in Chad. 

Ripple moves east in northern Italy

11 Jul 2022
Over the last few days Ripple has flown approximately 55km (34 miles) east along the river Po and is now close to the city of Piacenza in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy.

Joe moves south in Chad

11 Jul 2022
Joe has flown a few hundred kilometers further south in Chad, crossing the Chari river in the Chari-Baguirmi region. He is now 15km south of the city of Bousso. 

Cooper moves south in Niger

11 Jul 2022
Since our last update Cooper has flown 271km (169 miles) south into the south western corner of Niger. He is now approximately 16km (10 miles) east of the city of Dosso.  

Bluey is crossing the Sahara

11 Jul 2022
When we last updated on Bluey he was in the south of Spain but in the last few days he has taken a mamoth journey, covering 2,443km (1,518 miles) over the Mediterranean, Morocco, Algeria and Mauritana. The most recent update which arrived at 11:08 yesterday morning showed that he had reached southern Mauritania and was approximately 75km due west of the town of Kamour. This area is mostly desert with some oasis. It looks as if Bluey may be heading for the greener lands of Senegal and he could be crossing the Senegal river into Senegal within the next 200km.  

Grove II takes on the Sahara

11 Jul 2022
Since our last update Grove II has departed from Spain and flown approximately 2,500km (1,553 miles) south, crossing the Mediterannean and entering Africa. By 22:50 last night he had reached central Mauritania and was approximately 136km (85 miles) north east of the town of Tidjikja - famous for its Palm trees and dates. He is now passing through the Tagant Plateau, a stony part of the Sahar desert. 

Calypso visits the South of France

11 Jul 2022
Since our last update Calypso has flown 612km (380 miles) south to reach the coast of the South of France. He has spent the last few days in the woods and farmland to the north of Fos-sur-Mer, approximately 37km north west of Marseille.

Bluey reaches southern Spain

08 Jul 2022
Over the last few days Bluey has blasted south through France and Spain to reach southern Spain. By 18:30 last night he was close to the town of Ohanes in Almeria Province, Andalusia. The latest updated show him just 18km north of the Mediterranean coastal town of Almeria.  

No further movement from Charles

08 Jul 2022
Although we are continuing to receive updates from Charles' tag, they show that he hasn't made a significant movement since reaching western Mali last Saturday evening. This doesn't look like an hospitable place to stop so we are keeping everything crossed that we will see him leap into action soon. 

Joe nudges south in Chad

08 Jul 2022
Having completed his crossing of the Sahara and reached the Sahel, Joe has moved further south within Chad and is now 171km (106 miles) due east of the capital N'Djamena and approximately 60km north west of the city of Ngama. 


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