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Research Reports

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BTO Research Reports are scientific papers that have been self-published by the BTO. The following is a full list of those BTO research reports which have been published. Most are free to download, and links to Abstracts are included where possible.

Numbers missing from the list are those allocated but which were never produced or which have not been published. BTO recognises that, particularly in respect of commercially sensitive cases, a period of confidentiality is appropriate for some projects.  However, in the interests of scientific development and dissemination of information, we encourage clients to permit publication as soon as it is reasonable to do so.

If you wish to purchase a copy of a report please contact researchreports [at]

More information about our Annual Service reports to JNCC 1992-2005.

107. Evans, J. & Clark., N.A. Publication Date: 1993. Disturbance studies on Swansea Bay on the Burry Inlet in relation to bird populations. ISBN: 0-903793-43-1 84pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
106. Henderson, I.G., McCulloch, M.N. & Crick, H.Q.P. Publication Date: 1993. Barn Owl productivity and survival in relation to the use of second generation rodenticides in 1988 to 1990. ISBN: 0-903793-30-X 20pp £2.50 Download Report (PDF)
105. Donald, P.F. Publication Date: 1992. Winter bird survey of the proposed route of the Lackenby-Picton overhead transmission lines. ISBN: 0-903793-37-7 80pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
104. Toomer, D.K. & Clark, N.A. Publication Date: 1992. The effect of the Cardiff Bay barrage on waterfowl populations 3. Distribution and movement studies September 1991 - May 1992. ISBN: 1-902576-96-9 186pp £15.00 Download Report (PDF)
103. Clark, J.A., Baillie, S.R., Clark, N.A. & Langston, R.H.W. Publication Date: 1993. Estuary Wader capacity following severe weather mortality. 166pp £15.00
102. Holloway, S.J. Publication Date: 1992. The effects of the Wye Raft Race on the distribution of waterfowl broods. 61pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
100. Warbrick, S. & Langston, R.H.W. Publication Date: 1992. Evaluation of the ornithological importance of the Duddon in relation to the proposed tidal barrage. ISBN: 0-903793-45-8 33pp £2.50 Download Report (PDF)
99. Austin, A., Clark, N.A., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Rehfisch, M.M. Publication Date: 1993. An analysis of the occurrence of rare birds in Britain in relation to weather. ISBN: 0-903793-56-3 46pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
97. McCulloch, N. Publication Date: 1992. The status and ecology of the St. Helena Wirebird. ISBN: 0-903793-15-6 89pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
96. Holloway, S.J., Rehfisch, M.M. & Clark, N.A. Publication Date: 1992. Dispersion of waterfowl on the Mersey in relation to their prey. 213pp £15.00 Download Report (PDF)
95. Warbrick, S., Burton, P. & Clark, N.A. Publication Date: 1992. A case study of the impacts of pipeline construction on bird distribution in the Duddon Estuary. 103pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
92. Warbrick, S., Howells, R.J. & Clark, N.A. Publication Date: 1992. Waders on Swansea Bay: Past trends and present usage. 124pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
89. Toomer, D.K. & Clark, N.A. Publication Date: 1992. The roosting behaviour of waders and wildfowl in Cardiff Bay. ISBN: 1-902576-95-0 46pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
86. McCulloch, N. & Clark, N.A. Publication Date: 1992. Habitat utilisation by Dunlin on British Estuaries. ISBN: 0-903793-47-4 171pp £15.00 Download Report (PDF)
85. Evans, A.D. Publication Date: 1991. Repetition of Historical (Pre-War) Surveys Project Feasibility Study. ISBN: 0-903793-58-X 16pp £2.50 Download Report (PDF)
84. Donald, P.F. Publication Date: 1991. A historical review of the bird populations of Cardiff Bay. ISBN: 1-904870-02-3 87pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
83. Donald, P.F. & Clark, N.A. Publication Date: 1991. The effect of the Cardiff Bay Barrage on waterfowl populations 2. Distribution and movement studies July 1990 - May 1991. ISBN: 1-902576-94-2 225pp £15.00 Download Report (PDF)
81. Rehfisch, M.M., Warbrick, S., Clark. N.A., Langston, R.H.W. & Delany, S. Publication Date: 1991. The impact of the Severn oil spill of February 1991 on the populations and distributions of waterfowl. ISBN: 0-903793-16-4 141pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
80. Crick, H.Q.P., Donald, P.F. & Greenwood, J.J.D. Publication Date: 1991. Population processes in some British seed-eating birds. ISBN: 0-903793-12-1 146pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
78. Warbrick, S., Clark, N.A. & Donald, P.F. Publication Date: 1991. Distribution studies of waders and Shelduck on the Severn Estuary with reference to sediment mobility. ISBN: 0-903793-44-X 182pp £15.00 Download Report (PDF)
77. Rehfisch, M.M., Sim, I., Clark, N.A., Donald, P.F. & Warbrick, S. Publication Date: 1991. Waterfowl distribution and diet on the Mersey Estuary and adjacent areas. ISBN: 0-903793-40-7 212pp £15.00 Download Report (PDF)
76. Crick, H.Q.P. Publication Date: 1991. Trends in the breeding performance of Golden Plover in Britain. ISBN: 0-903793-11-3 34pp £2.50 Download Report (PDF)
75. Muirhead, L.B. Publication Date: 1991. The ornithological implications of power line construction on Teeside. 111pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
74. Donald, P.F. & Clark, N.A. Publication Date: 1991. The roosting behaviour of waders and wildfowl in Cardiff Bay. ISBN: 1-904870-00-7 39pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
73. Woolfall, S.J. Publication Date: 1991. The importance of the Wyre Estuary for bird populations in relation to the proposed Wyre barrage. ISBN: 0-903793-17-2 50pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
70. Tucker, G.M., Hudson, R.W. & Fuller, R.J. Publication Date: 1990. Agricultural practices and their effects on Lapwings. 72pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
69. Evans, J., Clark, N. & Donald, P.F. Publication Date: 1990. The effect of the Cardiff Bay barrage on waterfowl populations 1. Distribution and movement studies November 1989 to May 1990. ISBN: 1-904870-01-5 156pp £15.00 Download Report (PDF)
68. Muirhead, L.B. Publication Date: 1990. Final report on the BTO/BASF Garden Bird Survey. ISBN: 0-903793-07-5 17pp £2.50 Download Report (PDF)
67. Sneary, M.V. Publication Date: 1990. A review of the use of computers by Bird Clubs. 114pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
66. Clark, N.A., Donald, P.F., Mawdesley, T.M. & Waters, R.J. Publication Date: 1990. The day and night distributions of waterfowl on the Mersey and adjacent areas.. 152pp £15.00
64. Evans, J. Publication Date: 1990. Bird mortality following the Mersey oil spill, August 1989. ISBN: 0-903793-21-0 36pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
63. Clark, N.A., Evans, J. & Lochhead, D. Publication Date: 1990. Condition and age structure of bird populations on the Mersey. ISBN: 0-903793-22-9 50pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
62. Clark, N.A., Donald, P.F., Mawdesley, T.M. & Waters, R.J. Publication Date: 1990. The impact of the Mersey oil spill of August 1989 on the populations and distributions of waterfowl. ISBN: 0-903793-23-7 107pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
60. Davenport, T., Jeffers, J.N.R., North, P.M., Clark, N.A., Langston, R. & Prŷs-Jones, R.P Publication Date: 1990. Monitoring requirements for detecting tidal barrage induced changes to estuary bird populations & Appendices. 218pp £15.00
59. Green, P.T., Hill, D.A. & Clark, N.A. Publication Date: 1990. The effects of organic inputs to estuaries on overwintering bird populations and communities. ISBN: 0-903793-06-7 166pp £15.00
57. Percival, S.M. Publication Date: 1990. Population Trends in British Barn Owls, Tyto alba, and Tawny Owls, Strix aluco, in relation to environmental change. ISBN: 0-903793-25-3 129pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
56. Langston, R. Publication Date: 1990. The wintering wader and wildfowl populations of Strangford Lough. ISBN: 0-903793-04-0 104pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
55. Prŷs-Jones, R.P. & Davis, P.E Publication Date: 1990. The abundance and distribution of wildfowl and waders on Carmarthen Bay (Taf/Tywi/Gwendraeth). 41pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
54. Clark, N.A., Kirby, J.S., Langston, R.H.W., Donald, P., Mawdesley, T.A. & Evans, J. Publication Date: 1990. Waterfowl migration and distribution in NW estuaries. Volume 1: Text and Tables. Volume 2: Figures. 500pp £25.00
53. Thompson, P.S. & Greenwood, J.J.D. Publication Date: 1991. Birds in European Gardens in the winter and spring of 1988-89.. ISBN: 0-903793-13-X 102pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
52. Underhill, L.G. Publication Date: 1989. Indices for waterbird populations. 53pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
51. Clark, N.A. Publication Date: 1990. Distribution Studies of waders and Shelduck in the Severn Estuary (Parts 1 & 2). 112pp £10.00
50. Fuller, R.J., Ray, C.M. & Henderson, A.C.B. Publication Date: 1989. Distribution of breeding birds in Bradfield Woods, Suffolk in relation to coppice management. 48pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
49. Crick, H.Q.P, Baillie, S.R. & Percival, S.M. Publication Date: 1990. A review of raptor population monitoring. ISBN: 0-903793-05-9 72pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
