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Peer-reviewed papers

Peer Journal sample covers

It is BTO’s policy to make public the results of our research. Our aim is to publish as much as possible of our work in the peer reviewed scientific literature.  Many results are also published in our BTO Research Report series.

O'Connor, R.J. 1984. Science and the Ringing Scheme: a prospective. Ringing & Migration 5 : 6-14
O'Connor, R.J. 1984. The importance of hedges to song birds. Book title: Agriculture and the Environment. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Cambridge : 117-123
O'Connor, R.J. & Mead, C.J. 1984. The Stock Dove in Britain 1930-80. British Birds 77 : 181-201
Peirce, M.A. & Mead, C.J. 1984. Haematozoa of British birds VIII. Blood parasites of migrants, particularly the Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus. Journal of Natural History 18 : 335-340 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00222938400770281)
Ratcliffe, D.A. 1984. The Peregrine breeding population of the United Kingdom in 1981. Bird Study 31 : 1-18
Salmon, D.G. & Moser, M.E. 1984. Wildfowl and Wader Counts 1983-84. Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge
Taylor, K. 1984. Song Thrush with shrew jaws in stomach. British Birds 77
Taylor, K. 1984. The influence of watercourse management on Moorhen breeding biology. British Birds 77 : 144-148
Taylor, K. & Marchant, J.H. 1984. Waterways Bird Survey. BTO News 133 : 8-9
Tuite, C.H. & Owen, M. 1984. Breeding waterfowl on British inland waters in 1980. Wildfowl 35 : 157-172
Bullock, I.D., Drewett, D.R. & Mickleburgh, S.P. 1983. The Chough in Britain and Ireland. British Birds 76 : 377-401
Carter, S.P. 1983. Goosander: villain or innocent victim?. Wildfowl World Summer 1983 : 14-15
Fuller, R.J. 1983. The use of point counts in patchy scrub habitats in England. Proceedings VII International Bird Census Committee Conference, November 1981. Leon, Spain : 161-167
Fuller, R.J. & Buxton, N. 1983. The machair of the Outer Hebrides. Wader Study Group Bulletin 39 View Abstract
Fuller, R.J., Green, G.H. & Pienkowski, M.W. 1983. Field observations on methods used to count waders breeding at high density in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Wader Study Group Bulletin 39 : 27-29 View Abstract
Ginn, H.B. & Melville, D.S. 1983. Moult in birds. BTO Guide 19 BTO, Tring
Gribble, F.C. 1983. Nightjars in Britain and Ireland in 1981. Bird Study 30 : 165-176
Hickling, R.A.O. (ed.) 1983. Enjoying Ornithology. T. & A.D. Poyser, Calton.
Hudson, R. 1983. Migration sections. Book title: The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. 3. University Press, Oxford.
Lack, P.C. 1983. Some results from different methods of censusing birds in winter. Proceedings International Bird Census Committee Conference, November 1981. Leon, Spain : 5-12
Lack, P.C. 1983. The Canarian Houbara: survey results, 1979. Bustard Studies (ICBP) 1 : 45-50
Lack, P.C. 1983. The movements of Palearctic landbird migrants in Tsavo East National Park, Kenya. Journal of Animal Ecology 52 : 513-524
Marchant, J. 1983. Bird population changes for the years 1981-1982. Bird Study 30 : 127-133 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063658309476787)
Mead, C. 1983. Bird Migration. Country Life Books, London
Mead, C. & Hudson, R. 1983. Report on bird-ringing for 1982. Ringing & Migration 4 : 281-319
Moser, M.E. 1983. Waders. Book title: Wildfowl and Wader Counts 1982-83. Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge : 25-50
Reed, T.M. & Fuller, R.J. 1983. Methods used to assess populations of breeding waders on machair in the Outer Hebrides. Wader Study Group Bulletin 38 : 14-16 View Abstract
Smith, K.W. 1983. The status and distribution of waders breeding on wet lowland grasslands in England and Wales. Bird Study 30 : 177-192 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063658309476795)
Taylor, K. 1983. A comparison of inter-observer and inter-analyst agreement in the BTO Waterways Bird Survey. Proceedings International Bird Census Committee Conference, November 1981. Leon, Spain : 18-22
Taylor, K. 1983. Bird communities and management in southern English woods. Ibis 125 : 691-592
Taylor, K. 1983. Linear wetlands as habitats for birds and population changes following modifications to river systems. Book title: Proceedings of Symposium: Wildlife on man-made wetlands A.R.C. Wildfowl Centre, Milton Keynes
Taylor, K. & Marchant, J. 1983. Population changes for waterways birds, 1981-1982. Bird Study 30 : 121-126 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063658309476786)
Tubbs, C.R. 1983. The BTO Raptor and Owl Research Register. Bulletin ICBP World Working Group on Birds of Prey 1 : 152-162
Baillie, S.R. 1982. Guillemot ringing recoveries: a European perspective. Book title: Proceedings Seabird Group Conference, Uttoxeter, February 1982 : 17-19
Baillie, S.R. 1982. The impact of oil on NW European seabirds. BP Quarterly Bulletin
Baillie, S.R. & Mead, C.J. 1982. The effect of severe oil pollution during the winter of 1980-81 on British and Irish Auks. Ringing & Migration 4 : 33-44
Baillie, S.R. & Milne, H. 1982. The influence of female age on breeding in the Eider Somateria mollissima. Bird Study 29 : 55-66 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063658209476738)
Baker, K. 1982. Hobby using plucking platform. British Birds 75
Cawthorne, R.A. 1982. Cold comfort. Birds 9 (part 4) : 26-27
Davis, P.G. 1982. Nightingales in Britain in 1980. Bird Study 29 : 73-79
Dobson, A.P. 1982. The mortality of British birds. D.Phil. thesis, Oxford University
Fuller, R.J. 1982. Bird Habitats in Britain. T. & A.D. Poyser, Calton
Fuller, R.J. & Young, C.E. 1982. Grey Plovers associating with inland Golden Plover flocks. British Birds 75
Glue, D.E. (ed.) 1982. The Garden Bird Book. Macmillan, London
Marchant, J.H. 1982. Bird population changes for the years 1980-1981. Bird Study 29 : 143-148 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063658209476749)
