Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity in Great Britain
Author(s): Roy, H.E., Peyton. J., Aldridge, D.C., Bantock, T., Blackburn, T.M., Britton, R., Clark, P., Cook, E., Dehnen-Schmutz, K., Dines, T., Dobson, M., Edwards, F., Harrower, C., Harvey, M.C., Minchin, D., Noble, D.G., Parrott, D., Pocock, M.J.O., Preston, C.D., Roy, S., Salisbury, A., Schönrogge, A., Sewell, J., Shaw, R.H., Stebbing, P., Stewart, A.J.A. & Walker, K.J.
Published: January 2014
Journal: Global Change Biology Volume: 20 ( part 12 )
Digital Identifier No. (DOI): 10.1111/gcb.12603
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