Our publications
Bird Table
Bird Table is the quarterly magazine of the BTO Garden BirdWatch. As well as reporting back on some of the results emerging from the scheme, the magazine has articles on bird identification, wildlife gardening, behaviour, ecology and observations from participants' gardens.
A free copy is available upon request. Find out more about Bird Table.
A number of books have been produced by the Garden BirdWatch Team, covering various topics related to gardens and their wildlife.
To find out more about our latest book, 'Garden birds and other wildlife', which is currently a free gift when you join Garden BirdWatch, click here.
Scientific publications
Peer-reviewed scientific outputs are an essential part of our work, enabling BTO science to reach a wide audience and to support and underpin policy and ecological study.
More information on scientific publications using GBW data.
Find out more about our science here.
We have produced a number of leaflets and guides to provide advice on different topics relating to garden wildlife.
The GBW Team sends out a free e-newsletter, featuring the latest news on garden birds, what to look out for, and gardening tips. This will be sent out weekly for the foreseeable future. More information the GBW e-newsletter.
Press releases
Making the findings of our research available to a wider audience is a key component of our work. As such, we produce regular press releases to report our latest findings and to drum up support for our work.
Press releases are managed by the Garden Ecology Team (gbw@bto.org) in association with the BTO Media Manager, Paul Stancliffe (paul.stancliffe@bto.org). Access our latest press releases.
You can also find press releases about the BTO's wider work here.
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