Safeguarding Adults at Risk
About the Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy
The purpose of this policy is to set out BTO’s approach and commitment to protecting adults at risk from harm and abuse if and when they come into contact with our work.
BTO is committed to creating an inclusive environment. Our activities and events are open to anyone interested in our work, regardless of age, nationality, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality and socio-economic status.
- Read our Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Statement and our Code of Conduct for more information.
Our safeguarding policies and associated procedures apply to all individuals involved in BTO including Board members/Trustees, Staff, Volunteers, Donors and Supporters.
Inspiring and developing people is a priority for BTO. The more informed our community is, and aware of the role we all play in protecting people from harm, the less likely there is to be a problem.
Effective safeguarding relies on everyone having an awareness of what safeguarding means and involves, and feeling free to talk about concerns and strategies. This should be combined with having policies and procedures in place that are visible and actively reviewed.
Safeguarding adults at risk means protecting their right to live in safety and free from abuse and harm.
Some adults are considered to be at greater risk, so are given more protection by law. An adult at risk is anyone aged 18 or over who:
- Has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs);
- Is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect;
- As a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of or the experience of abuse or neglect.
An adult at risk of abuse may:
- Have an illness affecting their mental or physical health;
- Have a learning disability;
- Suffer from drug or alcohol problems;
- Be frail.
There are significant differences when thinking about safeguarding adults rather than children:
- A child is always covered by safeguarding whereas whether an adult is at risk or not is something which changes with their circumstances.
- When safeguarding adults, it is vital to understand that everyone has the right to make decisions for themselves. Otherwise, a different kind of harm can be caused by removing a person’s freedom of choice.
- It is important to consider the individual adult's needs in every situation.
Legal framework
This policy has been drawn up with regard to:
- General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
- Sexual Offences Act 2003
- Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
- Charity Commission guidance
- NVCO Safeguarding guidance
- Chartered Institute of Fundraising (CIOF), Keeping Fundraising Safe.
Many of the principles of safeguarding are the same throughout the UK. However, there are different governance and procedural arrangements in different countries.
Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy
BTO assesses its roles to identify safeguarding risks to vulnerable people. BTO does not employ any roles that involve regulated activity with adults at risk.
BTO’s work and activities vary greatly, and there are a number of ways that adults at risk may engage with BTO:
- As donors and supporters
- As members
- As Ringers or Trainee Ringers
- As Young Advisory Panel members
- As BTO Youth Representatives
- As volunteers or Youth volunteers
- As collaborators
- Attending training online and in-person
- Attending annual Bird Camp
- Attending the Young Leaders Course
- Attending BTO events
- Through the Regional Network or other committees
- Through the BTO Youth Blog
Please note this list is not exhaustive.
Our youth work extends to engaging with those up to the age of 25, and may therefore involve young people over the age of 18.
When safeguarding adults, we understand that:
- Whether an adult is at risk or not is something which changes with their circumstances.
- It is vital to understand that everyone has the right to make decisions for themselves. Otherwise, a different kind of harm can be caused by removing a person’s freedom of choice.
- It is important to consider the individual adult's needs in every situation.
We will:
- Promote the welfare of adults at risk with whom we work and keep them safe.
- Work in partnership with the individual, their parents, carers and other agencies to promote their welfare where applicable.
We will seek to keep adults at risk safe from harm by:
- Make support, policies and guidance available to staff and volunteers to increase their awareness of adult safeguarding (BTO does not currently employ any roles that involve regulated activity with adults at risk)
- Carry out risk assessment where applicable
- Ask people that engage in BTO activities if there is anything we should be aware of, or any support or adjustments we can make to protect them from harm whilst engaging with us
- Appoint and train at least two designated safeguarding leads and safeguarding deputies in key areas of BTO (Youth, Ringing and Fundraising)
- Having an easy system in place to report concerns
- Keeping this and other safeguarding policies under review, and continuously improving our awareness and approach.
Staff and volunteers can safeguard adults at risk from harm by:
- Valuing them, listening to and respecting them
- Accessing support and guidance available on safeguarding
- Observing our safeguarding policies, and any specific BTO guidelines for the relevant activity (see further guidance below)
- Carrying out risk assessments where applicable
- Using language that is appropriate and not offensive or discriminatory
- Reporting all concerns or allegations of abuse or harm to the BTO’s Safeguarding Leads, Andrew Scott (01842 750050 or Sian Knott (01842 750050
Staff and volunteers must not:
- Work with adults at risk if they are barred from doing so.
- Develop inappropriate relationships with adults at risk.
- Allow concerns or allegations of abuse to go unreported.
- Make promises to adults at risk not to report disclosures of abuse.
Safeguarding in Fundraising
BTO is a fundraising organisation and regardless of our beneficiaries, or our charitable objectives; the Charity Commission is clear that safeguarding is always a priority for charities. In terms of fundraising, this means treating people fairly and never pressuring someone into giving, particularly vulnerable people.
Safeguarding in Ringing
BTO's guidance to ringing trainers is that they should provide opportunities during the process of signing up as a trainee to discuss any issues relating to a trainee’s health and well-being which might be relevant to their training. This could be something that may affect their ability to safely take part in ringing, and the trainee should feel able to suggest adjustments that would help them. BTO cannot guarantee adjustments will or can be made - we will support trainers where we can but the decision about someone’s suitability to ring and whether someone can participate safely is the ringers; this is important in order to meet safeguarding and H&S responsibilities.
A ringing ‘taster’ session/ sessions (for new ringers or when changing trainers) provide the opportunity for a ringer to assess suitability, cover H&S and the trainee to ask about support they may need – trainees are able to bring a friend or family member to a taster session and are encouraged to so if they feel this will help them to get the best from the session.
BTO will treat any information shared with us in accordance with the GDPR, the only reason we may share information is with agencies if we feel someone is at risk. We will seek to speak with the individual before we do this as appropriate.
What to do if a potential safeguarding incident arises
All allegations, suspicions of harm, abuse or exploitation and concerns will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly, fairly and appropriately. BTO may seek support from relevant agencies if we are concerned or are alerted to concerns about an adult at risk.
- If you have a safeguarding allegation or concern, make a written record of it. You can use our Safeguarding Reporting Form.
- Speak in confidence to one of our trained safeguarding staff by calling our dedicated Safeguarding mobile number: 07521428879
- Any breaches of this policy must be reported to a BTO Safeguarding Lead by emailing our People Team
Consequences of breaching BTO Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
- A breach of this policy by an employee may be regarded as a disciplinary offence under BTO’s disciplinary procedures.
- A breach of this policy by a volunteer may be dealt with under BTO’s Compliments, Comments and Complaints policy.
Breaches may also result in a referral to a statutory agency including DBS, the police, the local authority social care department and the Independent Safeguarding Authority.
Monitoring our approach to safeguarding
This policy is reviewed regularly by our Safeguarding Leads and Board of Trustees. Our Safeguarding Policies may also be reviewed in the following circumstances:
- Changes in legislation and/or government guidance in England & Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland
- As required by the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS), or Disclosure Scotland or other appropriate regulatory bodies
- As a result of changes in policy or guidance issued for Charities by the Charity Commission for England and Wales, Scottish Charity Regulator or Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
- As a result of any other significant change or event.
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