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Book: The Mating Lives of Birds

Publisher: New Holland, London

Publication Year: 2012

Binding: 2

Page Count: 160

ISBN Number: 978-1-84773-937-7

Price: £19.99

The Mating Lives of Birds


The Mating Lives of Birds is a beautifully put together book. The initial draw may be the stunning pictures; of which there are many, but it is also an incredibly informative and interesting read. This book tells the story of how birds find and attract mates, and how they go on to deal with the incubation and raising of young. Though not looking deeply into specific species it gives a broad outline of the many ways this is achieved, with interesting examples throughout.  

The book is descriptive and informative, and delves into scientific areas, while keeping it interesting and reasonably light ensuring it is not a text book read. It must be noted that the pictures in this book are superb, in fact they include some of the most extraordinary I have ever seen. If you’ve ever wondered about Great Bustard acrobatics or the enticing pebble nests of the Adélie penguin, or just had a passing interest in mating displays and monogamy in birds, this is the perfect read for you!

Book reviewed by Hazel Evans

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