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The Golden Oriole

Publisher: T & AD Poyser, London

Publication Year: 2009

Binding: 2

Page Count: 280

ISBN Number: 978-0-71367-683-9

Price: £45.00

The Golden Oriole

A sweltering day in July 1989, tantalising tropical sounds emanating intermittently from an unseen oriole high in the canopy, anticipation fuelled by the enthusiasm of youth (I was 13!), then the eventual frustration of having to leave without so much as a glimpse of these most elusive and evocative of woodland denizens. When was your first pilgrimage to the poplar plantations of the Fens in search of Golden Orioles? For anyone who remembers the experience as vividly as I do, or has been dazzled by this spectacular species elsewhere in its range, ‘The Golden Oriole’ is a must-read. After a comprehensive introduction to the genus Oriolus, the reader’s attention is quickly focused on the fascinating story of the fenland orioles and the tireless work of the Golden Oriole Group to study and protect them. Detailed discussion of habitat preference, breeding biology, diet, vocalisations, population changes and migration patterns follow in this absorbing and very readable monograph. A quarter of the book devoted to habitat preference across the species’ range seemed rather a lot to me, some editing errors remain and the final chapter, ‘Orioles in captivity’, felt an incongruous note on which to end. However, the authors’ first-hand experience of many aspects of these birds’ remarkable lives, stemming from their efforts to help the species retain a toehold in Britain, is evident on every page and anyone who shares even a fraction of their obvious passion for orioles will not be disappointed.

Book reviewed by Nick Moran

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