Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing, London
Publication Year: 2017
Binding: 1
Page Count: 464
ISBN Number: 9781472930309
Price: £35.00
Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland
This is the third edition of a justly popular field guide to the macro-moths of the British Isles, which when first published in 2003 introduced illustrations of the moths in their natural resting positions, a major advance.
Treatment of the subject is comprehensive, with all 896 species recorded being described and illustrated. Other significant amendments since the second edition include the listing of species according to Agassiz’s 2013 Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles numbering system, an index of specific names, updating the species accounts in the light of much recent knowledge, and most importantly the inclusion of distribution maps showing post-2000 records.
There can be few moth enthusiasts without a well-thumbed copy of this book on their shelves. Whether you have an earlier version or not this edition has much new information, maintains the previous high standard, and is well worth adding to your library – it won’t remain unread for long.
Book reviewed by Graham Geen
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