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The Extraordinary World of Birds (cover)

Publisher: Dorling Kindersley, London

Publication Year: 2022

Binding: 2

Page Count: 80

ISBN Number: 9780241529058

Price: £14.99

The Extraordinary World of Birds

An expertly written and beautifully illustrated book, that does as the title suggests - convince children that the bird world is in fact extraordinary.

Covering all aspects of birds’ lives, the author takes the reader on a journey of discovery, from teaching children about the ancestry of birds and their behaviours, to offering ways they can help protect them such as setting up feeders and making a bird-friendly garden.  

Furthermore, children will delight in the excitement of finding out new and interesting bird facts, and these are accompanied by bright and colourful illustrations which help bring the book to life. The author has also included a page on how to get into birding, which is sure to spark curiosity and encourage participation with birding in the future.

Despite this book being targeted at children, do not let this deter you from reading it, as it is brilliant, and everyone (including adults) is sure to learn something new. Both myself and my year 1 class loved it and it is quickly becoming the class’s favourite book.

Overall, I feel this book by David Lindo will not only help inspire children’s interest in birds, but also a desire to protect them for the future, and is well worth a read.

Book reviewed by Belinda Betts (BTO Youth Rep, Norfolk)

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