Publisher: Bradt Guides, Chesham
Publication Year: 2023
Binding: 1
Page Count: 248
ISBN Number: 9781804691113
Price: £9.99
Call of the Kingfisher
Following the author’s journey along the River Nene at Oundle in Northamptonshire, this book is set out in specific months of the year. The reader can fall into step with the writer as he explores the river habitat, along with explorations further afield, and watches the unfolding lives of Kingfishers over the changing seasons.
As a musician, it may not be surprising that the author has added an element of audio into his work. Throughout the book there are numbered speaker icons that allow the reader to listen to the birdsong described that the author recorded himself. This can be done by either visiting the Bradt Guides website or scanning the QR code included within the book on a smartphone. The recordings cover specific species and events like the dawn chorus, with the richly recorded birdsong allowing you to appreciate the environment the author is writing about. It is a novel way to experience the sounds of birds and not be confined to the silence of a paperback book. The addition of this audio element also opens accessibility of the experience for readers who cannot access the countryside or who may not know what the birds’ songs mentioned sound like.
This book would suit readers who enjoy the nature writing style of prose, with this work dotted with quotes and experiences from other writers and naturalists throughout history too, including Gilbert White, John Clare and Peter Scott. It may be of particular interest to those who are drawn to riverine habitats, local history and of course Kingfishers.
Book reviewed by Alice Johnson
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