Silence from Peckham - 09 May 2018

Peckham remains in Africa and, worryingly, we've not had any signals from him since he first moved from Gabon to the forest of Cameroon on 8 April. We appear to have lost contact due to low battery charge. According to the limited sensor data we have for his tag in the period preceding that, there was no reason to be concerned about his welfare at that time. Last year, he left West Africa really late (later than now!) so it's possible he's lurking there now having moved on from Cameroon. It's also possible that his tag's battery is damaged and we won't hear from it again, or even that he has since dead. We will have to wait to see if further signals are received.

When will Peckham start his journey? - 26 Apr 2018
Of those Cuckoos we continue to track, just Peckham remains in Africa. How will his late arrival to Africa affect his journey back and when might we expect him to return?
Peckham hasn't moved far - 06 Apr 2018
Peckham has left Gabon but has only moved into Cameroon. We last heard from in on 1 April and things look to be OK with him. If all is well we would expect him to start heading west any day now. He is currently in the Dja Faunal Reserve, one of the most undisturbed pieces of African rainforest.
Peckham in Gabon - 03 Jan 2018
By the early morning of January 1, Peckham had arrived in Gabon, 570km (355 miles) south-west from his last location in the Central African Republic. His new location in the Haut-Ogooue region is just 55km (35 miles) away from PJ who has moved north from Angola, where he has spent some of this winter. Peckham has spent the last two winters in and and around this area in Gabon so we don't expect much further movement from him, now that he is in his wintering grounds.
Peckham moves to Central African Republic - 20 Dec 2017
Peckham has moved on from southern Chad where he has spent the last seven or so weeks and has journeyed 460km (295 miles). He is in the Mambere-Kadei region. In previous years he has continued on during December to the Congo Basin area and into Gabon. We are very pleased that despite his very late migration this year he is now close to the heart of the rainforest. Well done Peckham! 

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