Flight Lines: Tracking the wonders of bird migration

This stunning new book brings together the latest research findings, delivered through an accessible and engaging narrative by the BTO's Mike Toms, with the wonderful artwork generated through the BTO/SWLA Flight Lines project. If you have an interest in our summer migrants, then you'll welcome this fantastic opportunity to discover their stories through art and the written word.

By pairing artists, storytellers and photojournalists with the researchers and volunteers studying our summer migrants, we are able to tell the stories of our migrant birds, and the work being done to secure a future for them.

Includes artwork by SWLA member artists Carry Akroyd, Kim Atkinson, Federico Gemma, Richard Johnson, Szabolcs Kokay, Harriet Mead, Bruce Pearson, Greg Poole, Dafila Scott, Jane Smith, John Threlfall, Esther Tyson, Matt Underwood, Michael Warren, Darren Woodhead and others.

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