Growths on legs and feet

A number of different agents may cause swellings on the legs and feet of wild birds. Learn about the causes of these growths and how to report them.
Note the growths on the left leg

Mites and ‘scaly leg’

Mites of the genus Knemidocoptes can cause scaly-looking legs in birds. These mites are members of a wider family of mites that cause mange in domestic animals and scabies in humans.

The ‘scales’ which appear on birds’ legs are dry encrustations made up of material produced by the bird in response to the irritation caused by the mites, together with skin debris thrown up by the mites as they burrow into the tissues. As well as forming on the legs, the scales may also form around the beak.

Viral warty growths 

Another cause of warty growths is the Fringilla papillomavirus which affects Chaffinches and Bramblings. These growths may vary in size from small nodules to larger warts that engulf the whole leg.

The warts develop slowly over a long period and affected individuals may otherwise appear quite healthy, although some individuals may become lame or lose affected digits.

Bacterial infections

Wounds on bird's feet may become infected by bacteria, resulting in the formation of abscesses - sometimes referred as 'bumblefoot' by poultry breeders.

How to report growths or swellings on the legs of garden birds

If you wish to report finding dead garden birds, or signs of disease in garden birds, you can do so through Garden Wildlife Health, our online reporting system.

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