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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Senan in Burkina Faso

21 Aug 2019
Senan only stopped in Niger for a couple of days before flying another 256 km (160 miles) south west, across the border into Burkina Faso. He is now in the far south of Burkina Faso, close to the borders with Togo and Ghana, 205 km (127 miles) south east of the capital Ouagadougou. Another Cuckoo, Valentine, is also in Burkina Faso but is 465 km (289 miles) west of Senan. 

PJ settled in Nigeria

21 Aug 2019
Since arriving on 5 August, PJ has stayed in the far north western corner of Nigeria, in Sokoto state. He is currently approximately 38 km (23 miles) south east of the city of Sokoto. This is an area which PJ also spent a couple of weeks in on his way south in 2017. 

Nussey still in Spain

15 Aug 2019
We last heard from Nussey on August 10 when he was still in Spain. His latest location shows him near La Portera and Hortunas, approximately 60 km (38 miles) west of Valencia. 

Lambert still in France

15 Aug 2019
We are still receiving signals from Lambert's tag showing that he is 48 km (30 miles) north west of Montpelier. Hopefully we'll see him on the move in the next few days to reassure us that all is well with Lambert. 

Carlton II in Guinea Bissau

15 Aug 2019
Since our last update Carlton II has moved around 100 km (62 miles) east from his last position in Senegal and is now just over the border in Guinea Bissau. He is now in the far north-eastern corner of Guinea-Bissau. Last year he began moving west on August 11 so this could well be the start of his journey through west Africa towards his final wintering grounds in Gabon.  

Five across the desert

14 Aug 2019
So far this year, five Cuckoos have made it successfully across the desert. Carlton II, PJ, Senan, Tennyson and Valentine are all south of the Sahara and still sending regular tag transmissions. They still have a little further to go south before reaching their final wintering destinations.  

Concern growing for Knepp

13 Aug 2019

There have been no further signals from Knepp since 12 July when the battery in his tag was functioning well. Given that there is no evidence that his battery was failing, his sudden disappearance just a day after arrival at his last known position means we are now seriously concerned that we won't hear anything more from Knepp. 

The end of the road for Raymond

13 Aug 2019

Raymond moved to southern Mauritania on 5 August and signals received since show he has remained there, in the Trarza Desert. This prolonged static period in the desert, and the temperature data from the tag which shows big fluctuations rather than a more constant temperature, suggests that sadly, Raymond has perished on his desert crossing. Raymond was tagged in 2018 and so had already contributed a complete migration cycle to our data bank, nevertheless it is sad to have lost him when he appeared so close to reaching his stop-over location in Senegal. 

Senan crosses into Niger

13 Aug 2019
An update received from Senan's tag late last night showed that he has flown 481 km (300 miles) south from Mali into Niger. He is now in the far south western corner of Niger, close to the borders with Burkina Faso and Benin. 

Tennyson in Nigeria

13 Aug 2019
Tennyson moved into the Adamawa region in northeast Nigeria at the end of July and recent signals show he has remained in the area since. 


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