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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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No further movement from Kasper

21 Feb 2012

Kasper transmitted at 09.17 today but hasn't moved any further from his previous location.

Clement clocks out of Congo!

20 Feb 2012

No longer the most southerly Cuckoo, we received a transmission from Clement's tag at 9.35 today that showed that he had moved 450km north-west and is now in Cameroon. This is the second large northwards movement that we have seen from one of our Cuckoos, with Kasper having moved north-west into Nigeria. It is an exciting time as the birds start their migration back to Europe.

Kasper now in Nigeria

13 Feb 2012

Since first hearing from Kasper again on the 7 February, he has since moved over 1,500km (950 miles) north west into Nigeria where we received a signal on the 9 February. Yesterday (12 February ) a new transmission showed that he had moved a further 100 miles south west towards the coast.

It will be interesting to see if he continues to take a coastal route back north, given that he crossed the Sahara near the widest point on his journey south.

No new locations from Chris

07 Feb 2012
Chris’s tag was picked up by the satellite at 07.25 this morning, and he is still in his position close to the border with DRC.

Clement in the south

07 Feb 2012
Clement is now the most southerly of the five Cuckoos. A transmission yesterday at 01.15 showed him still settled in the area he has frequented since 23 November.

Martin remains near Likouala

07 Feb 2012
Martin is still close to the Likouala River. The last transmission on 4 February showed him in the position that he has been in for the last eight days.

No further movement from Lyster

07 Feb 2012
Since moving north at the end of January, Lyster has settled near to Ndzakou and is now in his sixth day here.

Kasper alive and heading north

07 Feb 2012
Kasper is back! After a month of no tranmissions and us resigned for the worst, his tag suddenly kicked in to life. Two transmissions from his tag early this morning put him in the north-west tip of Congo, thirty miles east of the border with Gabon and sixteen miles south of the border with Cameroon. Since we last heard from him on 6 January near Brazzaville in southern Congo, he has travelled around 350 miles north-west and is now the most northerly of the five birds!

Kasper the ghost?

03 Feb 2012

The fact that all five of our Cuckoos made it all the way to Africa without any losses was a pleasant surprise to us but we now haven’t picked up any messages from Kasper's tag since 6 January.

There are a few possible reasons why this might be, including tag failure, poor tag charging due to the weather or Kasper staying under the forest canopy, or he could have been taken by a predator.
At the moment, we can only sit and wait to see if there is a further transmission. There is still a chance that his tag might spring back to life and beam us a signal, albeit slimmer as time passes.

Chris still in the swamp

03 Feb 2012

A transmission from Chris’s tag on 31 January at 08.10 placed him in the same location in the swampy area within Congo he has been in for some weeks.


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