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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Larry in Ivory Coast

27 Mar 2017
After a few days rest, Larry has continued on his journey west. locations received from his tag on 26 March show that he has crossed into Ivory Coast. He is currently in an area of forest west of the Komoe River.

Bill moves further west

22 Mar 2017
Bill has flown 526km (327 miles) west during the last few days, leaving Togo and completely overflying Ghana. He is currently in eastern Ivory Coast, close to the Komoe River. 

Dudley remains in Niger

18 Sep 2015
Dudley is still quite far west, but the area he is in is wet at this time of year - the rains have just finished. In any case, it is in a floodplain that is well-covered in Acacia nilotica woodland. There should be plenty of food for him in the woods, so his prolonged stop there is not very surprising. 

Dudley moves south to Niger

13 Jul 2015
Dudley has recently made a small movement south from Algeria down to Niger. 

No movement from Dudley

31 Jul 2015
The three Cuckoos who have successfully completed their desert crossings, Dudley, Hennah and Stanley, have all remained within the same areas. They are probably taking time to feed up and recover from their long journeys, before continuing south later.

Victor back in Cameroon

20 Mar 2017
Victor has begun to head west, flying 318km (198 miles) in the last two days. He is currently in central Cameroon on the banks of the Sanaga River.

Larry going for it

20 Mar 2017
Larry really isn't hanging around. In the last ten days he has travelled 1,257 km (780 miles) from eastern Nigeria to Ghana. He is currently in western Ghana on the southern edge of the Amama Shelterbelt Forest Reserve. It will be interesting to see how long he stays here as he will now have to rest, feed-up and store fat to fuel his journey north across the Sahara.

Time will tell for David

15 Mar 2017
Looking back at last year's movements, David didn't move north until the middle of March. However with his tag being so old and having been subjected to long periods each winter underneath the Congo rain-forest canopy where the solar panel could not charge it, it is possible that the battery has now degraded to such an extent that we will not receive any further transmissions. Time will tell!  

Peckham moves north

14 Mar 2017
Since arriving in Cameroon, Peckham has moved a further 273km (169 miles) north and is now in northern Cameroon. He is currently in fairly dense forest just north of Oue.

Larry moves further west

14 Mar 2017
Larry didn't hang around in Cameroon, a series of locations received from his tag on 10 March showed that he had crossed the border into Nigeria. By the 12 March he had travelled a further 610km (379 miles) and was close to Nigeria's western border. He is currently in the south-eastern corner of Old Oyo National Park.


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