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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Karma on the move

18 Jun 2013

During the late evening of the 13 June and the early hours of the 14 June, we received transmissions showing that Karma was moving east, over the Grampian mountains. By 7am on 14 June he was located about 27km (17 miles) west of Aberdeen. Further signals received on the 16 June showed that he continued east a little further and is now close to the town of Durris, no more than 16km (10 miles) from the east coast. Having become the first Cuckoo to begin his southward migration this year, the question is - where will he head to from here?  

Livingstone moves away from Loch Iain Oig

13 Jun 2013

Livingstone was caught in the evening of 21 May at Loch Iain Oig, NE of Kyle of Lochalsh and NW of Balmacara. He was the fourth of our tagged cuckoos to be caught that day, a relief to the team as he completed our sample before the weather was due to close in the next day. Since then he has generally remained in the area 2-4km (1.25-2.5 miles) to the NNE of where he was caught. He took quite a while to arrive at the catching location, from that direction, so we may have lured him in from some distance away!

Waller on Isle of Skye

13 Jun 2013

Waller was trapped late morning on 21 May at the Kinloch Hills on the Isle of Skye, close to the road linking the Skye ferry at Kylerhea to the Kyle of Lochalsh - Broadford road. He was caught at the same time as another bird that may have been a female and hence wasn’t tagged. Since then, he as remained mostly very close to the tagging location. 

128303 near Dorusduain

13 Jun 2013

128303 was tagged at the same time as Karma. However, since then he has generally stayed further up the glen, especially around the forestry at Dorusduain. It appears that these two birds were lured from different directions when they were caught! 

Karma close to Loch Duich

13 Jun 2013

Karma was one of three cuckoos caught on the morning of 21 May at Inch na Croe, near Morwich (the others being 128303 and a female, which wasn't tagged). At least six cuckoos responded to our lures from around first light, and a further two birds had bounced from our nets! Karma has remained in the same glen since he was tagged, mostly of the north side towards Loch Duich, north and north-west of Morvich and the caravan park.

BB and Chance yet to leave Loch Katrine

12 Jun 2013

BB and Chance both remain in the area around Loch Katrine, Trossachs National park, that they were tagged in last year.

David remains close to Tregaron

12 Jun 2013

David remains in the area around Tregaron and Llandewi-Brefi that he was tagged in last summer. 

Will Chris be the first to leave?

12 Jun 2013

Chris remains in the Cavenham Pits area, south of the east end of Cavenham Heath., where he has been since the 5 May. His stay has already been as long as it was last year so perhaps he will be the first of this year’s cuckoo to start his migration and move away soon?

115586 seeks name

12 Jun 2013

Although he was tagged at South Fen, East Ruston, on 5 June, 115586 actually spent the next week about 10km to the south-est, in the Hickling Broad and Horsey Mere area.  He arrived there a few hours after release, having made a brief tour off to the north-west, towards North Walsham. New locations received this morning (12 June), however, showed that he had returned to the catching location.

115586 is still seeking a Cuckoo Champion. Could you or you organisation or company cover the cost of his satellite tag and give him a name?

Nick returns to the Cavenham Heath area

12 Jun 2013

Having moved to the area immediately north and west of Reach in Cambridgeshire on 4 June, seemingly searching for his namesake Prof Nick Davies who has spent many years researching the behavioural ecology of cuckoos at Wicken Fen 3km (2 miles) to the north, by this morning (12 June) Nick had moved back 18km (11 miles) east to an area of farmland 5km (3 miles) SSW of Cavenham Heath. 


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