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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Chester in North Africa

23 Apr 2015

From Nigeria on 12 April, Chester has travelled north-west around 3100km (1940 miles), crossing the Sahara desert, and making it to a location close to the Algeria/Morocco border in north Africa by 22 April.   

Chris in Spain

22 Apr 2015

Chris continued on his desert crossing from Mali, travelling a further 2500km (1550 miles) to reach northern Spain. He is now west of Zamora, a city in Castile and León region and is furher north than Derek, Dudley, David or Stanley. 

Ash on his way

21 Apr 2015

Ash is also undertaking the massive Sahara crossing and signals show he appears to be getting through the distance as he heads towards the northern coast of Africa. From his last position in Ivory Coast he has covered  2360km (1465 miles) and is close to Morocco. 

Chris crossing the desert

20 Apr 2015

Over the weekend we received signals to show that Chris had embarked upon his desert crossing and was on his way north over Mali, 1345km (835 miles) north of his last location in Ghana. We will have to wait for further signals to see whether he has made it safely across.

Derek and Stanley north of Sierra Morena Mountains

16 Apr 2015

From Morocco, Derek had continued on a further 1000km (600 miles) to reach Spain, settling in an area north of the Sienna Morena Mountains, by 15 April. He was joined here on the same day by Stanley, who had travelled north-west from his location near Granada and the Sierra Nevada Mountains. They are now only about 7km (4.5 miles) apart. 

David in Spain

15 Apr 2015

Transmissions received yesterday show that David has completed his Sahara crossing and made it to Spain, completing a 3350km (2,000 mile) journey from his last location in Siera Leone on 7 April. He is now in the Extremadura region.

In the first year we tracked David (2012/13) he returned to the UK on 27 April but due to cold and wet conditions turned around and retreated to France, returning again on 9 May when conditions had imprvoed. In 2013/14 he arived in Spain much later on 28 April and didn't return to the UK until the 14 May. What will he do this year, especially given his earlier than normal return date to Spain?  

Fred in Ivory Coast

17 Apr 2015

Fred has moved 1320km (820 miles) west from Nigeria and by the evening of the 16 was in Ivory Coast, just 14km  (8 miles) from Emworthy's location. 

Dudley second tagged Cuckoo to return to UK

17 Apr 2015

Dudley remained in the area of the Pyranees until at least the 13 April and was crossing over France during the 15.  Signals received around lunchtime on the 16 revealed he had made it back to the UK and was close to his breeding grounds in Sherwood Forest, where he was originally tagged. He becomes the second of our tagged Cuckoos to make it back to the UK.  

Hennah reappears - back in the UK!

17 Apr 2015

We last received a signal from Hennah's tag in late Februay from Sierra Leone, from where he had moved to on the 10 February. No further signals were received and we could tell the tag was not charging well so imagine our surprise when on the 15 April Hennah reappeared in the UK, north-east of Bournemouth, becoming the first Cuckoo to return home!

BTO scientist in charge of the project, Chris Hewson, explained that this lack of signals over the desert, when we might expect good exposure to the sun,  could be down to the Sahara dust on the solar panels which meant the tag was unable to charge and send a signal. Exposure to rain later would then have washed this off and allowed the tag to transmit his recent location.  

Ash yet to move west

14 Apr 2015

New signals from Ash's tag show that he is still in Ivory Coast. Having moved north-west of  Bouake he then back-tracked south-east to his previous location. 


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