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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Selborne in Nigeria

20 Sep 2017
Selborne has traveled 480km (almost 300 miles) south east  from his last postition in Benin and is now in Nigeria.  This is almost exactly on schedule as per 2016. Last year he arrived in Nigeria on 23 September, remaining here until early October when he moved on to Equatorial Guinea briefly and then Gabon. 

Where are Nicholas and Kidman?

06 Sep 2017
Nicholas and Kidmans' tags both last sent transmissions from Italy in July. However nothing has been received since. It seems that the tags aren't charging so we do not know if they remain in Italy or have moved on. Peckham is still as far north as Belgium so it could be that Nicholas and Kidman have also yet to move further south.  At this stage we have nothing to suggest that anything has happened to these Cuckoos and we hope to hear from them again.

PJ moves north

05 Sep 2017
PJ has moved 155km (95 miles) north from Nigeria into Niger, back to the area he was in around the middle of July. 

Selborne in Benin

31 Aug 2017

Selborne has continued eastwards and is now in Benin, 250km (155 miles) further on from his last location in Burkina Faso. He is currently in Pendjari National Park (named for the Pendjari River), in north western Benin, which adjoins the Arli National Park in Burkina Faso. Pendjari National Park is home to elephants, West African lions, hippopotamuses, buffalo, antelopes and is also famous for its rich birdlife.

Larry completes desert crossing

29 Aug 2017
Signals on the the 23 August showed Larry in Egypt but it wasn't until the 27 that we received a poor signal, this time from central Chad revealing that Larry had probably completed his desert crossing. However we were further reassured when a series of signals were received on the 30 August to show that he had continued 210km (130 miles) south west within Chad revealing all was well after his long journey.

Mr Conkers continues south

29 Aug 2017
Mr Conkers left the Ferlo Nord National Park and a new transmission placed him 170km (105 miles) further south within Senegal, just south of Guida.  

Victor in Congo Rainforest

29 Aug 2017
By the late afternoon of 26 August Victor had traveled 360km (225 miles) to southern Nigeria. He continued moving eastwards through until the early evening when his tag transmitted from the Lower Niger Forest, close to the River Niger. The next transmission two days later was from the Cameroon/Gabon border, from within the Congo Rainforest Basin, some 740km (460 miles) to the south east. Victor had made it to the rainforest!  

No further news

24 Aug 2017
No recent news from Kidman or Nicholas, whose tags last transmitted in Italy, or Carlton, last known to have been in the UK.

Victor moves to National Park

24 Aug 2017
Victor is still in Nigeria but has moved 170km (100 miles) south west to the Old Oyo National Park.

Selborne moves east

24 Aug 2017
Selborne moved to Burkina Faso at the end of July but a recent signal on 21 Aug shows a further eastwards movement of 370km (230 miles).  He is north of Tenkodogo and to the east of the Nakambe Forest. 


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