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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Introducing Victor II

17 Jun 2021

Victor II was tagged during a dawn catching session adjacent to the north-west shores of Loch Katrine. He was a welcome catch after a blank day, as catching proved trickier than expected despite the large numbers of Cuckoos around. This was partly due to the habitat - finding suitable catching places without large trees, power and phone lines or pylons overhead wasn't easy and the presence of real females made our dummy and lures less desirable! Since being tagged Victor II has moved south, making a brief stop in Essex before crossing the Channel into France where he is now near Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise in northern France.

Introducing Ellis

17 Jun 2021

Ellis was caught at the same site near Loch Arklet in the Trossachs as Columbus. He was caught in the evening, in exactly the same part of the same net as Columbus. The team caught another Cuckoo at the same time, a female that was sneaking up on her perceived rival. Since being tagged, Ellis spent a few days near Bungay in Suffolk before crossing the Channel to the Netherlands. Having stopped off near Leiden in South Holland, updates received last night showed that he had flown 137 km (85 miles) north east to his current location near Leeuwarden in Friesland.

Introducing Columbus

17 Jun 2021

Columbus was the first bird the team caught in the Trossachs in 2021, at a spot adjacent to Loch Arklet. There were at least four male Cuckoos calling that morning and the local Meadow Pipits were on such high alert that they started mobbing the stuffed Cuckoo that the team use to lure the Cuckoos in. The team were very pleased to get their Scotland trip off to such a good start. Columbus is still at his breeding grounds where he was tagged.

No more updates from Carlton II

17 Jun 2021
We've had no further updates from Carlton II's tag since 26th February 2021 so sadly we are unlikely to hear from him again. There is nothing to suggest that Carlton II has perished - there was no indication of a problem based on the temperature reported by the tag up to the last one on 26th February. However the battery charge had been low for a long time and so would be susceptible to damage, especially as he then went into dense forest. He may have perished since then, or the battery may have been damaged. Battery failure is a perfectly possible explanation for his disappearance based on the data we have.

Introducing Attenborough

17 Jun 2021

The net was set in the dark and as dawn broke the team were treated not just to calling Cuckoos but half a dozen Hobbys, which were feeding low over the disused gravel pits where they were tagging. The first Cuckoo caught was the one tagged, being a good weight, and still carrying a few juvenile feathers - this is Attenborough! Attenborough is still at his breeding grounds in Norfolk.

PJ still in Suffolk

17 Jun 2021
Having arrived back in Suffolk on 22nd April PJ has spent the time since on his breeding grounds in the King's Forest. In previous years PJ as started his migration south in late June/early July so we expect hm to hang around for another week or two in Suffolk.

Meet the 2021 Cuckoos

17 Jun 2021

After being unable to tag any Cuckoos in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are delighted to be able to introduce eleven new Cuckoos this year!

The tagging teams faced some very early starts as usual to tag the Cuckoos, but they were rewarded with birds who were interested enough in the female lure to be caught, weighed and tagged (with the exception of a location near Loch Katrine where there were a number of female Cuckoos around, making our lure less convincing!).

Some of these newly-tagged birds have already begun their migration south, with one in France, one in the Netherlands and one of the Scottish birds is already down in Essex.

Keep an eye on the individual birds' blogs for updates on their progress.

PJ is back again!

24 Apr 2021

After five years and a staggering 50,000 miles, Suffolk Cuckoo PJ has once again returned from Africa to his breeding grounds in the King's Forest, Suffolk. He is the first of our tagged Cuckoos to survive five complete migrations with his tag still functioning. When we last updated you he was having a well deserved rest on the Isle of Wight, but despite the many attractions of that fine place, it couldn't keep him away from East Anglia for long. New updates received from PJ's tag at 07:30 yesterday morning (Friday 22nd April) showed that he had covered the final 223km (139 miles) from the Isle of Wight to Suffolk. Further updates since show him flying around his breeding grounds, less than 5 miles from us here at BTO HQ in Thetford. He will stay here until early July before beginning his journey back to Africa once again.

PJ takes a break on the Isle of Wight

22 Apr 2021
New updates received from PJ's tag just before lunch yesterday (Wed 21st April) showed that he had flown 866 km (539 miles) north, over France and across the English Channel to his new location on the Isle of Wight. We received further updates from his tag yesterday evening showing him in the same area, on farmland close to the village of Havenstreet, just south west of Ryde. It is now just 223 km (139 miles) as the Cuckoo flies, back to his breeding grounds in the King's Forest, Suffolk. In previous years he has arrived back at his breeding grounds between 18th and 30th April so he is being very punctual. When we next update you, it will hopefully be to tell you that PJ has successfully made it "home".  

PJ getting closer

19 Apr 2021
Updates received from PJ's tag just after 5am this morning show that he has flown a further 371km (231 miles) north east into northern Spain. He is now close to the shores of the Urranaga Reservoir, some 40km south east of Bilbao. How long will he linger before flying on? We will be keeping a close eye on the weather forecast over the next few days to spot likely opportunities that PJ may take to press on. Stay tuned!


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