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Updates from our Cuckoos

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A short hop for Lyster

07 Jun 2012

Lyster's tag last transmitted on the morning of the 5 June and showed that he was close to the village of Hempnall. He has moved around 16km /10 miles from his previous position near Nogdam End.

Where's Kasper?

30 May 2012

It has now been forty-eight days since we heard anything from Kasper, the longest period he has gone missing for. Although he has gone missing before, only to reappear, we fear that this time we have lost him for good. We can't say what has happened to him. He might have perished in the same poor weather that Martin experienced, or his tag might have failed completely. He might even be back in the Norfolk Broads with Lyster. We just don't know.

Lyster in the Yare Valley

30 May 2012

Lyster continues his tour of the Broads and is now back in the Yare valley. As of yesterday evening he was approximately three-hundred metres north east of Nogdam End and 10km (6.5 miles) south west of Acle.

Chris still by the Lark

30 May 2012

Chris is still on the south bank of the River Lark, Suffolk. He has moved a little to the east and is now close to Icklingham. He has now been on the edge of the River Lark for twenty-six days.

Chris still settled

24 May 2012

 A location from Chris's tag this morning showed that he was still near Mildenhall, Suffolk, on the southern bank of the River Lark. Female cuckoos have been heard in this area and might explain why he seems reluctant to leave.

Lyster back in the Broads

24 May 2012

 As of two days ago Lyster was back in the Broads, just west of Acle. He really is covering a lot of ground, presumably in search of female cuckoos. Anecdotal evidence suggests that females are in short supply at the moment.

Still nothing

18 May 2012

 We still haven't recieved anything from Kasper. Whilst it is looking grim, we still haven't given up hope.

Lyster far from lazy

18 May 2012

 Since arriving back in the UK, Lyster has been anything but laggard. Having covered a large area of the Broads, as of yesterday, he was near to the Norfolk/Suffolk border, 6km (3.7 miles) to the west of Diss. He is now 40km (25 miles) south west of where the BTO/BBC team found him in the Broads.

Chris settled close to Mildenhall

18 May 2012

As of yesterday, Chris was still on the banks of the River Lark, near to Mildenhall, Suffolk. He seems to have settled in this area and not chosen to head north into Thetford Forest to the site that he was tagged a year ago.

Still no news

10 May 2012

 We still haven't heard from Kasper, and whilst we are beginning to fear the worst we still haven't given up hope. On January 6, whilst in southern Congo, we lost Kasper for a month before he popped up on 7 February in the north west tip of Congo, close to the border with Cameroon. 


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