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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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No news from PJ

27 May 2022

It's been a couple of weeks since we've received any updates from PJ. The last transmission from his tag showed that he was at his breeding grounds in the King's Forest, Thetford.

Daniel is back at Lake Vyrnwy

06 May 2022
Further updates that arrived yesterday morning showed that Daniel had completed his journey back to his breeding grounds at Lake Vyrnwy. Having had such a long period during the winter when we received no updates from his tag, we are delighted that not only did his tag come back to life but that he has successfully completed his migration. 

Calypso is back again

05 May 2022
New updates from Calypso's tag last night showed that he was within a stone's throw of his tagging location at Wildgoose nature reserve in Worcestershire. He was tagged here on 19 May 2021 and stayed until 23 June so we expect him to remain on site for the next six weeks or so. Bravo Calypso!

Daniel is back in Wales!

05 May 2022
Daniel has flown 843 km (524 miles) since our last update, taking him from Central France to mid Wales. A new update received early this morning showed that he was just north of Welshpool, just 30 km (18.6 miles) from his tagging location on the shores of Lake Vyrnwy. He left his breeding grounds on 3 July last year so we expect him to stay for around 8 weeks. So if you are visiting RSPB's wonderful Lake Vyrnwy reserve or the surrounding area over the next couple of months, listen out for Cuckoo Daniel!

Daniel moves to Central France

04 May 2022
We last heard from Daniel on the evening of 2 May, by which time he was 50 km (31 miles) NW of Clermont-Ferrand in Central France. 

Calypso reaches England

04 May 2022
Calypso spent a few days on the Island of Oléron off the west coast of France but new updates that came in between 07:50 and 08:00 yesterday morning showed him 630 km (390 miles) north, passing to the west of Chippenham. His last update which arrived at lunchtime yesterday showed him passing to the west of Tewkesbury. Another 20km and he'll be back at Wild Goose Nature Reserve in Worcestershire where he was tagged on 19 May 2021.

Victor II has made it back to Scotland

03 May 2022
Victor II has flown the final 365 km (227 miles) from Cheshire to his breeding grounds in Scotland. By 11.15 this morning he was back on the shores of Loch Katrine where he was tagged on 19 May last year. He left on 13 June last year so he may only be here for 6 weeks or so before setting off again. 

Ellis is the first back to the UK

18 Apr 2022
With five tagged Cuckoos closing in on the UK, it looked like the first to return would be Ellis, PJ or Victor II. New updates received on Monday 18 April showed that Ellis had held on to his early lead and became the first of our tagged Cuckoos to make it back to the UK. He had flown the remaining 1,040 Km (646 miles) from his last location in France to his breeding grounds in Scotland. He is now back on the shores of Loch Arklet in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park where he will stay for the next 6-12 weeks or so. Bravo Ellis!

Calypso reaches France

01 May 2022
Calypso has had a busy morning, flying approximately 467 km (290 miles) from his last location in northern Spain, across the Bay of Biscay to the western coast of France. He is now on the Island of Oleron due west of Rochefort. The Moeze Oleron nature reserve on and around the island is a protected area for migratory birds so Calypso has chosen a great place to stop. 

Victor II is back in England

01 May 2022
New updates received this morning show that Victor II has flown 575 km (357 miles) north from his last location in northern France to England. He has spent the last few hours close to the town of Winsford in Cheshire. So if you are in or around Winsford today and you hear a Cuckoo it could well be Victor II! He has approximately 365 km to fly before reaching his breeding grounds in the Trossachs. 


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