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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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From Togo to Ghana

13 Mar 2012

Chris travelled 328 km (203 miles) WNW from his previous postion in Togo between 9 and 11 March and is now the third Cuckoo , along with Lyster and Kasper, in Ghana. He is about 40km  north-west of Kumasi. This is an area that the BTO field team working in Ghana know well, as it is on the main route to the Nightingale study site at Nsuatre.

Martin in Ivory Coast

13 Mar 2012

Martin has been taking the 'tourist route' - by 9 March, he had moved south from Mole National Park to Bui Mational Park in western Ghana. Two days later, he had moved 140km (87 miles) west from there to Ivory Coast.  He is currently close to the town of Kamele and is about 80km (50 miles) south of Comoé National Park.

Martin is furthest north

08 Mar 2012

Since Martin's tag suddenly began transmitting on the afternoon of 6 March, we have received several locations that placed him in northern Ghana - although there was some uncertainty (and hence the locations are not shown on the map) we think the last locations received late that afternoon placed him in Mole National Park where the BTO/RSPB/GWS/Naturama 'Migrants in Africa' project worked during 2009-11. This makes him the most northerly Cuckoo of our five at about 9.5 degrees north.

All quiet from Clement

08 Mar 2012

We have received no recent signals from Clement. His last position in Cameroon was further south and east than any of the other Cuckoos currently are - we expect him to move off in a north-westerly direction soon, when his tag should spring to life....

Kasper joined by Lyster

08 Mar 2012

Positions for Kasper received overnight 6/7 March showed that he remains near Lake Volta. Lyster is also now in Ghana, just 30km (18 miles) to the SSW - this is the closest any of the Cuckoos have been to each other since leaving the UK.

Movements in Togo

08 Mar 2012

Locations for Chris received yesterday (7 March) showed that Chris had moved 80km (50 miles) south-west and is currently in southernTogo, about 30km north of the coast and 10km from the border with Ghana.

Lyster continues to Ghana

08 Mar 2012

A series of locations received for Lyster yesterday afternoon (7 March) showed that he had continued moving rapidly west and is now just north of Digya National Park in Ghana. He is currently 30km (18 miles) SSW of Kasper's latest location.

Martin moves in to Ghana

07 Mar 2012

After a silence of 24 days, at three thirty yesterday afternoon we received a location for Martin showing he was in northern Ghana, about 65km north of Tamale!  He had covered around 2,000km (1242 miles) from his location in Congo. This means that all five Cuckoos have now left Congo and are currently on their way back to Britain.

Still no news from Martin

06 Mar 2012

 Twenty-four days ago Martin was in Congo, as we haven't heard from him since then we have to assume that he could still be in Congo. However, as all of our birds have 'disappeared' prior to moving north from Congo, we hope that Martin is doing the same, and wait with baited breath to see where he will pop-up next.

No news from Clement

06 Mar 2012

 We haven't heard from Clement for over ten days and must assume that he is still in southern Cameroon, feeding in deep cover in preparation for his next push north.


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