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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Cuckoo Jasper sets off

03 Jul 2023

Cuckoo Jasper has left his breeding grounds in the King’s Forest, Suffolk and flown 630 km (391 miles) south, across the English Channel and into France.

By the early hours of this morning (Monday 3 June) Jasper was close to the village of Rouy, in the Nièvre department of central-east France.

Cuckoo George has departed

03 Jul 2023

New updates received from Cuckoo George’s tag show that by 11 a.m. yesterday morning (Sunday 2 June), George had flown 615 km (382 miles) south, crossing the English Channel and heading into Eastern France.

He is now in an area of mixed farmland and woodland a few miles west of Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse in the Haute-Saône department in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region.

Joe moves west

30 Jun 2023

Over the last few days, Joe has relocated further west – he is now in the hills above the town of Bormes-des-Mimosas in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region of south-eastern France.

He is visiting the area surrounding the tiny restored Church of Notre Dame de Constance, with views down to the coast around La Faviere.

KP reaches northern Italy

30 Jun 2023

By early Wednesday morning (28 June), KP had crossed the Alps and arrived in northern Italy. He passed over San Pellegrino Terme and moved on south-east towards Lake Garda.

The latest updates from his tag arrived early this morning. They show him in the hills to the east of the town of Nave, in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy, Italy.

Sayaan moves south in Italy

30 Jun 2023

New updates received from Sayaan’s tag early this morning show that he has flown 378 km (235 miles) south-east through Italy. After a brief stop close to Lake Trasimeno in Umbria, he moved on to his current location in the province of Rieti.

He is now just south-east of the town of Norcia, within the national parks of Mont Sibillini and Gran Sasso, and Monti della Laga. These national parks form one of the largest protected areas in Europe, with mountains, forests, river valleys and abundant biodiversity. 

Cuach Torc visits Bosnia and Herzegovina

30 Jun 2023

After about a week on the Adriatic coast close to Ravenna in northern Italy, Cuach Torc has flown 530 km (329 miles) south-east, across the Adriatic Sea.

Having initially made landfall on the border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, he has since moved further inland into Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He is now nearby the town of Bileca in East Herzegovina, close to the border with Montenegro. Those who have been following the project for a few years will recall that one of our Welsh Cuckoos, David, was a regular visitor to Montenegro on his way south. 

Cores in north western Italy

26 Jun 2023

Cuach Cores has spent the last few days in the area close to the River Elvo, between Salussola and Carisio in the Province of Vercelli, in the Italian region of Piedmont. 

Joe reaches the south of France

26 Jun 2023

Over the last few days, Joe has flown almost 600 km (373 miles) south from Troyes in north-central France to Provence on the south coast.

After a brief stop close to the village of Roumoules in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region on Friday evening, he pressed on towards the coast. By the evening of Saturday 24 June, he had reached Provence, and has spent the time since close to the wineries of Le Baou d'Infer and Domaine Sainte Marie – he is clearly a Cuckoo of impeccable taste!

Last year Joe stopped off approximately 25 km further north-east, close to Saint-Maxime. He stayed there for a couple of weeks before flying straight across the Mediterranean and the Sahara to Chad, arriving on 4 July. 

KP sets off

26 Jun 2023

KP is on the move! He left his breeding grounds yesterday afternoon and flew 86 km (53 miles) east. He spent the rest of the day in or around Castleblagh Forest, close to the village of Ballyhooly in County Cork.

A couple of further updates received late last night suggest that he may since have moved on, in a south-easterly direction towards Youghal. Will he stop again before crossing the sea, or is he aiming for Cornwall – or even France?

Bonjour to Bluey

23 Jun 2023

New updates received from Bluey’s tag over the last 24 hours show that he has flown approximately 280 km (175 miles) south, crossing the English Channel and arriving in France.

He is now in a forest close to the town of La Loupe, in the Centre-Loire Valley region, approximately 78 km (48 miles) north-east of Le Mans. 

Last year Bluey arrived in France on 16 June, when he was 58 km (36 miles) north-north-east of Le Mans.  


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