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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Derek crosses the desert

20 Aug 2015

By the 16 August, signals show that Derek was on his way again, heading south over Algeria and making his desert crossing. The last signals on the 18 show he had made it as far as central Mali.

Concern for Chris

18 Aug 2015

We haven't received any good quality locations for Chris since 3 August, although poor quality signals do indicate that he left Italy shortly after this and was crossing the Mediterranean Sea on the 5 August.  

The Po Valley in Italy is Chris's usual stopover site, however, the region is experiencing its worst drought in years, and given the short length of time our Cuckoos have spent here this year, has presumably led to a shortage of caterpillars.

A series of poor signals from Chris’s tag show that he has made it to the Tibesti mountains in Northern Chad by 8 August, but no good signals have been received to confirm this and elevate his location so that it is visible on the public maps. He seems to have been here for around eight days which is very worrying as he normally crosses the desert in a day or two, stopping on the shores of Lake Chad in the south of the country and on the southern edge of the desert.

At this stage we are very concerned about him and, given the conditions in Italy, we fear that he may not have been able to take on the amount of food needed to prepare for, and successfully complete, the journey. Both Peckham and Larry also stopped in the mountain area and continued on to complete their crossing of the desert, though neither spent as long as Chris has in the area. 

Charlie moves east

18 Aug 2015

Since the 14 August, Charlie has been slowly moving south eastwards. He left the west coast of Greece and by 16 August had covered around 250km (160 miles) to make it to the Prokopi, on the east coast.

Drought may mean bad news for Ash and Cookie

11 Aug 2015

The Po watershed and surrounding areas used by our Cuckoos on their migration are experiencing severe drought this year and we think this may be why Viator failed to successfully complete the desert crossing. We fear that Cookie and Ash have also been affected as it's been so long since we heard from their tags and we suspect we won't receive further signals.

Both Viator and Ash left the Po area and headed further east to Croatia, which is unusual, and could have been because of poor conditions. However, it's extremely likely that the part of Croatia, just over the Adriatic (55 miles form the Po delta), is also suffering from this regional drought.

Previously we've only ever lost two southeasterly migrating birds before completion of the Sahara crossing, both in 2012, and so far it looks like we've lost three this year. 

Larry in Africa

10 Aug 2015

By the early hours of the 8 August, Larry was in Chad, having made it to Africa, though some of you will have noticed an errant signal which appeared briefly on the map placing him to the east of Africa which has now been corrected!.  He is actually just south of the Tibesti Mountain area, where Peckham also stopped recently and raised concerns until we realised that the area had received rain and was probably a strategic stop rather than an indication anything was wrong. Hopefully we will shortly see Larry continue south after a brief rest as Peckham has done too. 

Coo completes desert crossing

10 Aug 2015

Since the early hours of the 7 August, Coo has continued on his desert crossing, covering a further 800km (500 miles) to reach the semi-arid Sahel region of central Chad. Here there will be opportunities to rest and feed up in the grassland and savanna, with occasional areas of woodland and shrubland. He is the sixth Cuckoo to successfully complete the desert crossing. 

Coo arrives in Africa

08 Aug 2015

Coo has been very quiet for sometime and we did wonder where he was but his tag sent a reliable signal yesterday helping us pinpoint him in the Libyan desert approaching the border between Libya and Chad.

Peckham moves south

07 Aug 2015

Peckham had us worried there for a moment before delighting us when his tag sent a signal on 7 August, showing he has travelled south a further 370km (230 miles) into Chad.  He still faces many challenges so lets hope he arrives safely in the central Sahel region. 

Vigilamus reaches dense forest

06 Aug 2015

Vigilamus has moved 150km (90 miles) south within Chad finally reaching dense forest. He will being looking forward to some rest and foraging after his desert adventure. 

Charlie heads to Greek island

05 Aug 2015

Charlie has left Italy and travelled southwest 345km (213 miles) to Lefkada, a Greek island in the Ionian Sea on the west coast of Greece.


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