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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Markoo still in Suffolk

08 Jul 2016
Since he was fitted with his tag, Markoo hasn't left King's Forest. The information recieved from his tag shows that all is well with him, so we would expect him to leave soon.

Larry in Croatia

08 Jul 2016

Larry spent a week in Hungary before heading south and west into Croatia. During his southerly migration in 2015 he stopped off in the same area, close to the town of Bogatic. This part of Croatia is currently experiencing a heatwave, with the daytime temperature forcast to get close to 40 degrees C during the next few days. It might be that Larry spends more time in the shade, so we might see a lull in the locations received from his tag as the solar panel on the tag gets less sunlight to charge the batteries.Only time will tell.

Jack still in the New Forest

08 Jul 2016
Jack is still in the area to the south of Romsey but a look at the tag data suggests everything is OK with him, the tag temperature is what we would expect and the batteries seem to be charging well too. Maybe we will see him move in the next week or so.

David still going strong

08 Jul 2016
David spent a couple opf days in northern France before continuoing his journey south. His next stop saw him spend four days in the French Alps close to the Italian border. He left here on, or around 2 July, only to pop up on the other side of the Adriatic in Montenegro around midnight on 5 July, 1,046km (650 (miles) from his Alpine stopover. David is currently just to the north of Lake Scutari, an area he has visited on every migration south since he was fitted with his satellite tag in the spring of 2012.

Cuckoo 161324 still in France

08 Jul 2016
Since arriving in France on 25 June, Cuckoo 161324 has slowly made his way south and is currently in western central France close to Limoges, where it is a sunny 27 degrees C, although if he hangs around it is forecast to be wet and cool during the middle part of next week.

Cuckoo Bill still in Normandy

08 Jul 2016
We are getting concerned about Cuckoo Bill. Since arriving in Normandy a month ago he hasn't moved very far from La Trotterie. Shortly after arriving here he was subject to a heavy hailstorm and cool conditions. We are keeping our fingers crossed that we get some positive news from him soon.

Cuckoo 161322 in Italy

08 Jul 2016
On the 28 June we received locations from Cuckoo 161322 that showed he had left Norfolk and was in France close to Troyes. The next day he had moved further south, crossed the border into Switzerland and was on the northern shore of Lake Neuchatel. He didn't stay here long and by the morning of 30 June he was back in France on the southern shore of Lake Geneva, before moving back into Switzerland and finally stopping in the late evening of the same day on the mountain slopes just north of Martigny. He remained here for six days before heading south into Italy. He is currently close to the French border just north of Montoso.

Cuckoo 161321 still leading the pack

08 Jul 2016
A location received from Cuckoo 161321 on 6 July showed that he had left northern Spain and had flown 461km (262 miles) further south. He is currently in Andalusia, 70km (43 miles) north of Malaga, close to the town of Antequera. He is still further south than any of our other satellite tagged Cuckoos.

Cuckoo 161319 heads south and then back north

07 Jul 2016
After spending 6 days close to Lyons in south-east France Cuckoo 161319 headed south and east into northen Italy, arriving just north of Genoa on 27 June. He was 10km (6 miles) from the Mediterranean coast. He didn't stay there long. By the morning of 28 June he had headed back north and was 200km (124 miles) north of Genoa in the Italian Alps, close to the border with Switzerland. He is currently between Bresciadega in the north and Novate Mezzola to the south.

Peckham is on his way

27 Jun 2016
At 6pm on 21 June, Peckham was still at his tagging site close to Kendal, Cumbria but by breakfast on 22 June he had flown 173km (107 miles) south and east and was just north of Lincoln, but he didn't stay here long, by mid-afternoon on 24 June he was even further south and east and was in Norfolk just west of Great Yarmouth.


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