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Chris in no hurry to move

12 Sep 2011
Chris looks to be well settled in southern Chad, he has been in the same area since 9 August. Having successfully crossed the Sahara he will be in no hurry to move. The onset of the dry season at the end of the month might change this though.

Clement content for now

12 Sep 2011
Clement is still in the area to the north-west of the Yankari Game Reserve, Nigeria. The area is comprised of savannah grassland, patches of well-developed woodland and rolling hills. The rainy season runs from May to September. Presumably, Clement is finding plenty of food here; this might change with the onset of the dry season at the end of the month.

Kasper wintering in Nigeria?

12 Sep 2011
Kasper is still in the Bayan Dutsin Forest Reserve, Nigeria, the area he has frequented since 9 August. Like Clement, he must be finding plenty of food and the local conditions to his liking. Could both of these birds spend the winter here?

Martin still in CAR

12 Sep 2011
Martin is now our most southerly Cuckoo in Africa, and, since he arrived in the Central African Republic on 27 August he has remained in the area of the watercourse that he initially homed in on.

Lyster moves northwards

31 Aug 2011

After successfully crossing the desert and appearing in Senegal on the 24th, we again picked up Lyster in the same location on the 27th but at c. 9pm on the evening of the 29th, he transmitted at a location just to the north. Over the course of that evening and into the morning of the 30th, he had moved northwards over the great Senegal river plain and by 3am was in what looks like a temporary watercourse some 75km away in Mauritania. Quite why he moved northwards, we don’t know but maybe he is looking for better foraging conditions.

Martin in Central African Republic

31 Aug 2011

Continuing his move south-eastwards, Martin did not hang around the location he had reached on the 25th. We next picked him up in the Central African Republic on the 27th August after having travelled another 250km. He has apparently homed in on another river system (if you zoom into the map you can see the dark line of trees surrounding the watercourse.

Clement still on eastward course

31 Aug 2011

Clement is continuing on his flight eastwards. It looks as though he left his last position near Kaduna on the evening of 28th August and headed eastwards for another 275km just to the NW of the Yankari Game Reserve. He is again in an area of farmland with scattered bushes. Interestingly his flight has taken him within 60km of the A P Leventis Ornithological Institute based in Jos.

Chris very settled

31 Aug 2011

Chris remains in southern Chad and seems settled in his current location.

No change for Kasper

31 Aug 2011

No change in Kasper's position. He remains near the forest reserve and makes trips around the surrounding farmland.

Martin moves off

24 Aug 2011

Martin remained on the edge of the Chari River floodplain until late on 24 August. A series of locations extending into 25 August showed him leaving the area to the southeast. By 0550hrs he had settled in an area 160km SE of his previous residency.


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