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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Chance southeast of Lake Chad

28 Aug 2012

We believe that the transmission depicted to the east is incorrect and that Chance remained in the area east of Lake Chad. Further transmissions on 22, 23, 25 and 27 August show him 155km (95 miles) southeast of the Lake, and his previous position.

Chris remains in Chad

28 Aug 2012

Chris continued eastwards around 90km (50 miles) from his position on 21 August. He moved to the Guera region of Chad and we have received recent locations this morning indicating he is still there. He is now just 30 miles west of where he was a year ago.


David in Chad

28 Aug 2012

Transmissions show that David has travelled only a small distance within Chad from his previous location on 20 August. He is, however, no longer the most southerly Cuckoo.

BB still in Chad

28 Aug 2012

Signals received on August 24 and 26 show that BB remains in the same area within Chad, close to the border with Sudan. 

Indy moves south

28 Aug 2012

Indy has moved south within Niger since the 24 August.  He travelled around 180 km (113 miles) and on the morning of the 27 August  was 70km (43miles) north-east of Zinder, the second largest city in Niger.

Roy heading into Albania

28 Aug 2012

From the area of Danilovgrad, Montenegro, a series of unconfirmed transmissions show that on the evening of August 26, Roy was moving in a southeasterly direction. The last transmission received shows him over the middle of Lake Scutari, just inside the border of Albania. Is he making his move south? We expect further transmissions tomorrow morning. 

Wallace still in Switzerland

28 Aug 2012

Wallace remains in Switzerland but appears to have moved south a small distance. Transmissions from his tag on August 27 show that he is around 10km (6 miles) south from Lake Brienz.

Lloyd heading for Spain

24 Aug 2012

We had thought that as Lloyd was in Italy, he would travel south and make the crossing to Africa from Sicily or the coast, like previous Cuckoos who staged in Italy have. However, Lloyd seems to have changed direction.  The last transmissions showed him travelling south along the French coast before the transmission period then finished as he neared Fréjus. Transmissions resumed yesterday evening (23 August) and located him in the very south of France, 60km (37 miles) west of Perpignan. It looks very likely that he will now cross to Africa from Spain. He has taken a very roundabout route to get here. Perhaps availability of food has had something to do with this?

Lloyd heads back to France

22 Aug 2012

In an unexpected and somewhat surprising twist, Lloyd has left the eastern slopes of the Alps in western Italy and moved back into France! Having still been in Italy on Sunday 19 August, yesterday afternoon (Tuesday 21 August) he was in the Alpine foothills of SE France approximately 80km (50 miles) to the S. During the evening he moved off SSW and when the last location was received, he was 64km (40 miles) away, about 6km (4 miles) NNW of the coastal town of Fréjus. Could this mean he is going to take a westerly route into Africa, through Iberia, after all? 

Indy almost across...

22 Aug 2012

Indy has made good progress with his desert crossing. We have received several locations for his tag today that place him in southern Niger, close to the northern border of Zinder region, about 260km (162 miles) N of the border with. He doesn’t appear to be actively migrating during the day today - his location is still at least 200km (125 miles) further north than we would expect him to stay for any length of time, based on what we have seen from the Cuckoos last year and so far this year, so hopefully he will continue migrating tonight. 


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