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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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PJ moves east

26 Aug 2016
Since crossing the desert and arriving in southern Mali, PJ has continued east along the southern edge of the desert and is now in neighbouring Niger, close to the border with Nigeria.

Peckham still in the Po Valley

26 Aug 2016
Peckham is still settled in the stopover site that he used last year, however, he has lingered for almost a month longer this time. We are not sure why this is the case as this is only the second migration that Peckham has undertaken wearing a satellite tag. It might be that last year was unusual, or indeed that this year is the unusual one, so it is hard to draw conclusions at this stage. We do know that in 2015 the region suffered a severe drought which might have moved Peckham on early, only time will tell what is a normal departure date for him.

Markoo crossing the Sahara

26 Aug 2016
A location received in the early hours of 25 August showed Markoo on his way across the Sahara. He was in central Algeria and just about halfway through the desert crossing. However, we received a poor quality location around breakfast time on 26 August that suggests he has made it across and is on the southern edge of the desert. We will have to wait for better quality locations to confirm this. Fingers crossed for Markoo.

Larry settled in Chad

26 Aug 2016
Since arriving in Chad Larry has been settled in the area in southern Chad close to the Manda National Park, presumably resting and feeding after his desert crossing. He used this stopover last year, leaving it on 10 October.

Jack still near Lyon

26 Aug 2016
Jack's tag is sending in lots of locations that show he is alive and well. Twelve locations received on 25 August firmly place him in the Loire Valley, close to Saint-Polgues. Currently, the wind is very light, the temperature is 27 degrees and the forecast is for it to stay the same for the next few days. If he was thinking of making a move south the weather won't hold him up.

Disco Tony still in France?

25 Aug 2016
We haven't heard from Disco Tony's tag since 12 August, when a poor quality location showed that he was still in southern France.We haven't received a good quality location from Disco Tony since he arrived in southern France in mid-July, which suggests there might be an issue with his tag. We wouldn't be surprised if he dosen't pop-up somewhere further south - only time will tell.

Go David!

25 Aug 2016

The last few days have been a tense time for us here at the BTO. David has been attempting his desert crossing and for a while it looked like he might be in trouble. He left Montenegro during the evening of 17 August and we heard nothing more from his tag until a poor quality signal on 22 August put him in the Sudan desert, 700km (400 miles) short of a successful crossing, but around mid-afternoon on 24 August a series of good quality signals showed that he has successfully crossed the desert.

In doing so, David has become our most successful tagged Cuckoo. If he makes it back to his wintering location in the Congo rainforest, he will have completed four and-a-half migrations to and from Africa. We all have our fingers crossed that he makes it.

161324 still in Burkina Faso

24 Aug 2016
Since arriving in Burkina Faso 161324 has been settled in the area northeast of Ouagadougou. He appears to be using an area of cultivation around a number of small settlements.The nearest town is Kyentenga, 3.8km (2.3 miles) to the southwest.

Bill has crossed the desert

24 Aug 2016
On 4 August 161323 completed his desert crossing, arriving on the banks of the Senegal River on the border with Mauritania. He has since headed south and east into Mali and is currently close to the small town of Kinyema in fairly open forest.

161322 lost

24 Aug 2016
We haven't heard from 161322 since the 6 August when he was in the middle of his desert crossing. The last locations received showed him in southern Western Sahara, 24km (15 miles) northwest of the desert town of Aousserd and we have to assume that he has perished.


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