Since being tagged at Carlton Marshes, Suffolk, Carlton II has explored most of his local area, moving around 10km (6 miles) in all directions.
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Carlton II
Lambert is currently in the northern part of the Knepp Estate, presumably still looking for female Cuckoos.
Tagged on the Knepp Estate on 18 May, Raymond is still moving around the southern part of the estate, maybe interacting with Knepp, one of our other Cuckoos currently on the Knepp Estate.
Knepp is currently moving around the southern part of the Knepp Estate, Sussex, close to where he was tagged, presumably still searching for female Cuckoos.
During the last few days Robinson has been favouring the area of Sherwood Forest between Meden Vale and Budby.
Since being tagged on 18 May, Sherwood has remained in the forest of his name, initially in the area south of Budby. Recent locations from his tag show that he is still in this general area.
A glimpse of PJ
Our very own Paul Stancliffe, Media Manager, got a great view of PJ this morning! He's not far from our Headquarters and Paul had been out to see if could locate him in preparation for some press coverage on the project. He said: 'I found him. It was the only Cuckoo I heard and saw and he flew straight towards me, before spotting me and turning away, showing his antenna as he did!'
Silence from Peckham
Peckham remains in Africa and, worryingly, we've not had any signals from him since he first moved from Gabon to the forest of Cameroon on 8 April. We appear to have lost contact due to low battery charge. According to the limited sensor data we have for his tag in the period preceding that, there was no reason to be concerned about his welfare at that time. Last year, he left West Africa really late (later than now!) so it's possible he's lurking there now having moved on from Cameroon. It's also possible that his tag's battery is damaged and we won't hear from it again, or even that he has since dead. We will have to wait to see if further signals are received.
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