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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Victor II reaches the Sahel

03 Aug 2021
By Friday night Victor II had flown 1,500 km (960 miles) south, crossing the Sahara and reaching the sahel in Niger. He has remained here, close to the town of Abalak in the Tahoua Region of southern Niger.

PJ is crossing the Sahara (again)!

03 Aug 2021
On his sixth tracked migration south, our super Cuckoo PJ has made it to Africa. On Saturday morning he had flown 315 km (195 miles) south from the Spanish Pyrenees to the town of Barracas, Castellón, Spain. By yesterday morning he had flown 1,150 Km (715 miles) south, across the Mediterranean and into Algeria. He pressed on through the day and by the time we received the last update at 22:27 last night, he was in the Hoggar mountains in the central Sahara, southern Algeria. He was 218 Km (135 miles) north of the oasis city of Tamanrasset, where citrus fruits, apricots, dates, almonds, cereals, corn, and figs are grown. Hopefully when we receive the next update we will see that PJ has successfully completed his desert crossing. 

Clive turns north

29 Jul 2021
Over the last week or so Cuckoo Clive has been making his way steadily west from Villoslada de Cameros in La Rioja, Spain to Valladolid. New updates received this morning show that he has now turned north, flying 300Km (186 miles) north west towards Vilalba in Galicia, north west Spain. His last locations showed him near a wind farm above the villages of Sisalde and Pardela. 

JAC heads east

29 Jul 2021
In the early hours of this morning JAC flew 185Km (115 miles) east into the Kantchari department of eastern Burkina Faso, close to the border with Niger. He is now in the W National Park (so called because it is situated around a meander in the River Niger shaped like the letter W). This is the largest remaining wilderness in Burkina Faso, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site containing three RAMSAR wetlands of international importance and three BirdLife International Important Bird Areas. The park has areas in Niger, Burkina Faso and Benin and covers some 10,000km2 (3,900 sq miles) of largely uninhabited land. It is known for its large mammals which include some of West Africa's last wild African elephant, packs of the endangered West African wild dog and is one of the last strongholds of  the Northwest African cheetah. It is also a great place for birds, especially migrants and over 350 species have been identified here. JAC will be in some very interesting company!

JAC restless in Burkina Faso

28 Jul 2021
Since arriving in Burkina Faso JAC has flown 98km (60 miles) south east, into the Yamba department of Burkina Faso and he is currently close to the town of Yamba. The tempertaure there today is 24° with a high probability of thundery heavy showers. 

Victor II is attempting to cross the Sahara

28 Jul 2021
Updates received from Victor II at 07:30 this morning show that he has left France and crossed the Mediterranean. He has flown 1,423Km (885 miles) south and reached north eastern Algeria. He is currently over the Grand Erg Oriental (Great Eastern Sand Sea), one of the driest landscapes on earth. This "erg" or dune field is vast, stretching over an area of approximately 600 kilometers by 200 kilometers, an endlessly stretching horizon of sand. Ahead of him is Tassili n'Ajjer national park, a vast sandstone plateau, the highest peak of which is Adrar Afao at 2,158 m (7,080 ft).  Fingers crossed for Victor II!

JAC has conquered the Sahara

27 Jul 2021
By 7pm last night Llangollen Cuckoo JAC had covered the remaining 560Km over the Sahara in southern Mali and had arrived in Burkina Faso. At 9pm last night he was close to the town of Bogande in the Gnagna Province of eastern Burkina Faso. He was 155Km (95 miles) north east of the capital Ouagagougou. JAC joins AJ, Ellis and Calypso as the first four tagged Cuckoos to successfully complete their desert crossing this year. 2,200 km currently separates AJ in Mali in the west from Ellis in Nigeria.

JAC is crossing the Sahara

26 Jul 2021
JAC has made a big movement over the last few days and by 18:45 on Friday night he was in or around the Hoggar mountains in the central Sahara, southern Algeria. The highest peak in this mountain range, Mount Tahat, is 2,908 m (9,541 ft) high. Isn't it extraordinary to think of the sorts of landscapes our Cuckoos pass through on their incredible journeys? By 09:23 Saturday morning, he had made it as far as eastern Mali. In his journey from Spain he has so far covered 2,608 km (1,620 miles) and he looks as if he will finish his desert crossing in south west Niger or possibly Burkina Faso. The next update will hopefully show that he has successfully completed his desert crossing. 

Calypso visits Kwiambana Game Reserve, Nigeria

24 Jul 2021
Over the last 24 hours Calpyso has flown 10 km south west within the Kwiabana Game Reserve in the south of Zamfara state, Nigeria. An ecological survey of this area published in 1981 found big numbers of large mammals, particularly Elephants, Roan Antelopes, Hartebeest and Buffalo, as well as smaller mammals like Warthog, Baboon, Ardvark, Baboons, Green Monkeys and Porcupines. The recommendation of that study was to protect the area from illegal hunting and grazing to create an area with great potential for game viewing and tourism. It would be interesting to know how the reserve has fared since 1981. 

JAC conquers the Pyrenees

22 Jul 2021
A series of updates from JAC's tag arrived last night showing that by 19:33 he had flown 672Km (418 miles) south from his last location near Maintenon, France, over the border into Spain. He was on the slopes of the Sierra de Manga mountain range, close to the village of Ainet de Besan. He was approximately 8Km north east of the town of Llavorsi. Subsequent, low quality signals showed him pressing on further and by 23:25 last night he was 25Km north west of Barcelona. Will he carry on to Africa from here, or stop for a rest? Stay tuned to find out. 


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