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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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JAC arrives in the Congo

10 Oct 2022
Over the last few days JAC has flown 592km (368 miles) south east from his last location in Gabon to the Republic of the Congo. He is in the rainforest approximately 20km north west of the town of Makoua. Last year JAC spent a couple of weeks in the Republic of Congo at the beginning of October before moving deeper into the rainforest of the Congo Basin of DRC to the east where he remained until late February.  

Grove II powers on to Gabon

06 Oct 2022
New updates received this morning show that Grove II has flown 557km (346 miles) south from his last location in Cameroon to Gabon. He is now close to Ivindo National Park in Central Gabon, a 300,000 hectare UNESCO World Heritage Site which is home to Western Lowland Gorilla, Chimpanzee, forest Elephants, and African Golden Cat. On the western edge of the Congo Basin, more than 430 bird species have been recorded at this site.  

Ellis makes it to the Congo Basin

30 Sep 2022
Since our last update, Ellis has flown 780km (486 miles) south east from Central African Republic over the border into the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). He is now in the heart of the Congo Basin in north west DRC where he may well stay for the next few months.

Grove II reaches Cameroon

29 Sep 2022
Grove II has flown 570km (354 miles) south east from Nigeria into Cameroon. He is now in the Littoral region of western Cameroon, approximately 95km (59 miles) north east of the capital Yaoundé. 

No news from Cooper

27 Sep 2022
We haven't received any further updates from Cooper since 7th September when he was still in eastern Nigeria. Hopefully we will hear from Cooper again soon.

Grove II moves to central Nigeria

27 Sep 2022
Over the last couple of days Grove II has flown 367km (228 miles) south east within Nigeria to his new location in Nasarawa state in north central Nigeria. He is now some 100km (62 miles) south east of the Nigerian capital Abuja. 

Daniel is lost to the desert

27 Sep 2022
We continue to receive updates from Daniel's tag but unfortunately the updates show him stranded in the desert in Chad, some 330km north of Lake Chad. It is very unlikely that Daniel could survive for such a long time here so we have to conclude that he has sadly perished. Since being tagged in June 2021, Daniel has provided us with valuable data, including a full loop migration from his breeding grounds in Wales to his wintering grounds in Cameroon and back again.   

Ripple moves east in Burkina Faso

27 Sep 2022

We are pleased to report that Ripple seems to be doing fine, despite his long stop off in the middle of the Sahara. Since our last update he has been making good progress east from west Africa towards the Congo Basin. Having flown from southern Mauritania to south west Mali he has now pushed further east into eastern Burkina Faso. He is now in the far eastern corner of Burkina Faso, just north of Arli National Park.

Joe is first to the Congo

21 Sep 2022
Having spent two and a half months in Chad, Joe has flown 959km (596 miles) south from southern Chad, over Central African Republic and deep into the rainforests of the Congo Basin in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). He is the first of our tagged Cuckoos to reach the Congo and he is now approximately 32km (20miles) north east of Lake Tumba in eastern DRC where he may well spend the next few months. 

Ellis heading towards the Congo

21 Sep 2022
New updates received late last night show that Ellis has flown 825km (512 miles) south east from his last location in Nigeria over Cameroon and into Central African Republic (CAR). He is now in western CAR. Last year Ellis stopped briefly in CAR on the 14th & 15th September en-route to his wintering destination in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where he remained until 23rd January, so we expect him to move on from CAR very soon.   


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