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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Joe in DRC

15 Feb 2024

Joe remains on his wintering grounds in the Congo Basin.

He is currently near a large oxbow lake on the Busira RIver in north-west Democratic Republic of the Congo. We expect to see Joe moving west soon.  

Cuach Cores remains in DRC

15 Feb 2024

Cuach Cores is the most easterly of all our tagged Cuckoos. He is currently in the rainforest between the Tshuapa and Maringa Rivers in the Congo Basin of north-central Democratic Republic of Congo.

We expect to see Cores moving west soon. 

Sayaan still in DRC

15 Feb 2024

Sayaan has spent the winter so far in the Congo Basin close to the Maringa River in north-central Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). We expect him to start moving West soon. 

Torc swaps DRC for RC

15 Feb 2024

At the end of January Torc departed his wintering area in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and crossed into the Republic of the Congo.

He is now in dense rainforest approximately 50km (30 miles) south-west of the town of Pokola. 

KP crosses into the Republic of Congo

15 Feb 2024

KP spent November and December in the same general area close to the Salonga River deep in the rainforest of the Congo Basin of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). 

Since mid January he has been moving steadily north-west and is now 536km (333 miles) from his wintering area, taking him out of DRC and into the Republic of Congo. He is currently on the edge of Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, a huge area of swampy lowland rainforest in northern Republic of Congo.  

Bluey migrates north

15 Feb 2024

Over the last couple of weeks Bluey has departed his wintering grounds in Angola and flown 1,133km (704 miles) north to Cameroon.

He is now in the eastern part of the Dja Faunal Reserve, a UNESCO world heritage site inscribed for its incredible biodiversity and low disturbance.  

Trent arrives in Ivory Coast

12 Feb 2024

Since our last update Trent has flown 1,200km (745 miles) west from Nigeria to Ivory Coast. He is now over 2,000km further west than the next nearest tagged Cuckoo, Bluey, currently in Cameroon.

Trent is now just outside of the town of Doukouyo in south-central Ivory Coast.

He will hopefully be finding plenty of food here which will allow him to build up his fat reserves in preparation for the next leg of his journey back to the UK, which will include tackling the mighty Sahara Desert. 

Trent moves West into Nigeria

29 Jan 2024

New updates received from Trent's tag early this morning show that he has flown 450km (280 miles) West from his last location in Cameroon to a new location in Nigeria.

He is now approximately 10km south of the town of Okada in Edo State, southern Nigeria. 

Trent reaches Cameroon

17 Jan 2024

Cuckoo Trent has flown 693km (431 miles) north west from Gabon to Cameroon, making him our most northerly tagged Cuckoo.

He is now a few miles west of the town of Nguti in south-western Cameroon, halfway between Korup National Park and Bangyang Mbo Protected Area. 

Trent continues north in Gabon

10 Jan 2024

Over the last few days Trent has continued moving north in Gabon and has just crossed the mighty Ogooue River.

He is now in a forested area approximately 10km north of the small town of Booué in central Gabon. 


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