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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Signals clarify Senan's African location

31 Jul 2019
New signals on the morning of 30 July show that Senan had indeed made landfall in Africa and that his location at that time was in northern Mali. Senan was tagged on the BTO reserve headquarters at Thetford, and interestingly, he is now just 240km (150 miles) north of PJ who was also tagged local to the BTO in Suffolk, and is in Mali. 

Raymond makes it to Africa

30 Jul 2019
Signals received on the morning of 30 July show that Raymond had successfully made it to northern Africa from the south of Spain. He's currently located 95km (60 miles) to the south-east of Fes, Morocco after a journey of 595km (370 miles).   

PJ in Mali

30 Jul 2019
PJ has continued on his desert crossing - not quite as far as 1000km as mentioned in the previous blog entry - but he did cover a further 635km (395 miles) on 29 July, which has taken him into eastern Mali. He is now close to the border with Niger, and just north of Reserve Partielle De Faune D'ansongo-Menaka.

Valentine moves to south-west Burkina Faso

29 Jul 2019
Over the last few days Valentine has flown 322 km (200 miles) south west into south-western Burkina Faso. He is now in the Hauts-Bassins region, 55 km (34 miles) north-east of the region capital, Bobo Dioulasso. 

Senan heading for Africa?

29 Jul 2019
Some low quality locations transmitted by Senan's tag suggest that during the evening of 27th and early morning of 28th he was crossing the Mediterranean with the last location pointing to his destination being north-east Morocco or north-west Algeria. We will hopefully receive some better quality locations soon which will clarify where he has made landfall. 

Raymond in southern Spain

29 Jul 2019
Raymond has flown 370 km (230 miles) south and is now just north of Huescar in Granada, Spain. 

Carlton II arrives in Andalusia

29 Jul 2019
Since our last update Carlton II has flown 458 km (285 miles) south to Andalusia in southern Spain, where he is currently approximately 55 km (34 miles) north of Seville. 

Larry is in Libya

29 Jul 2019
Over the last few days Larry has departed Italy, crossed the Mediterranean and arrived in Libya. This is the fifth southern migration we have tracked Larry over and in all previous years he has passed through Libya, enroute to Chad where he usually makes his post-desert stop-off. If Larry successfully navigates the desert this time he will overtake Chris as our longest-serving Cuckoo. 

PJ is crossing the desert!

29 Jul 2019

At 10:54 on Wednesday 24 July PJ was still in northern Spain but by 11:18 on Sunday 29 July he had flown 1,748 km (1,086 miles) south east and was in or over the desert in central Algeria. He has since flown a further 626 km (389 miles) south and by 04:30 this morning (29 July) he was at the western edge of the Tassili Oua-N-Ahaggar Desert in the Tamanrasset region of southern Algeria. He needs to travel another 1000 km (621 miles) or so in order to complete his desert crossing, hopefully when we next hear from him he'll be safely on the other side. In previous years PJ has stopped in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger after crossing the Sahara. 

Tennyson crosses into Cameroon

26 Jul 2019
Tennyson clocked in at 03:06 this morning (Friday July 26) with an update showing he has flown 270 km (168 miles) south east from his last location in Nigeria over the border into Cameroon. He is now in the North Province of Cameroon, and is just north of Faro National Park. 


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