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Hot and sticky

04 Jan 2012

 A transmission from Clement on 3 January at 07.53 showed that he is still on the Teke Plateau and still close to Lyster and Martin. Yesterday, the weather there was sticky and wet, with 80% cloud cover, 78% humidity and 11.2mm of rainfall.

Chris still in DRC

04 Jan 2012

Chris is still in the marshes just west of the border with Congo. We heard from him at 08.51 on 31 December. Of all five cuckoos, he is in the most unpopulated area.

Has Chris seen the Congo-ness monster?

23 Dec 2011

Chris is the most northerly of the Cuckoos – in fact he is the only one still in the northern hemisphere, being three quarters of a degree above the equator. He took a similar route to Martin into Africa and was very close to him at their first location in Chad. However, we have been very surprised by where he has chosen to remain since 10 October - he is in some of the wettest forest in the Congo and from the satellite photos in Google Earth, the area appears to have continuous forest cover. He is the Western Congolian swamp forests ecoregion according to the WWF classification. This area is characterised by impenetrable swamps and forest that is flooded for several months of the year. Despite the inaccessibility of the area it is popular with cryptozoologists - people who search for animals whose existence is unproven – on account of the alleged sightings of a Loch Ness monster-like animal called the ‘Mokele-mbembe’ in the nearby Likouaka aux herbes swamp.

Kasper stays north of Brazzaville

23 Dec 2011

Kasper is the most southerly of the Cuckoos – he is currently in a patch of gallery forest 50km north of Brazzaville. This area is at the southern end of the Teke Plateau and is where the forest would naturally give way to savannah due to decreasing and more seasonal rainfall patterns. He has been there since 23 October and was the first Cuckoo to cross the equator.

Lyster and Clement spending Christmas together?

23 Dec 2011

Lyster is close to Clement and Martin (who came down from Central African Republic a week ago) on the Teke Plateau, using forest patches in this grassland/forest mosaic.  Despite being the last Cuckoo to leave Britain, Lyster was the second (after Kasper) to reach this far south, and has been there since 8 November. His closest neighbour is Clement – the other Cuckoo who left Europe via Iberia and entered the far western part of the African continent. They are approximately 90km apart – the distance that separates the locations at which they were tagged in East Anglia.

Martin on the Teke Plateau

23 Dec 2011

During the week preceding 16 December Martin moved south from his previous position in southern Central African Republic and settled on the Teke Plateau in Congo, about 90 and 120km from Lyster and Martin respectively. Like them, he is using forest patches with lots of edges in this forest-savannah mosaic.

Clement at mid-winter

23 Dec 2011

Clement is one of three Cuckoos on the Teke Plateau in Congo, and has been there since 23 November. The plateau is covered in grassland interspersed with humid closed-canopy forest. Climatically, it is within the humid closed-canopy tropical forest zone but the sandy soils combined with frequent fires mean this habitat restricted mostly to the river courses. This seems to provide ideal conditions for Cuckoos – the satellite photos show how Clement is using forest patches with lots of edges in the northern part of the plateau.

Chris leaves Congo

19 Dec 2011

Our five cuckoos didn't remain in the same country for long but they still remain close. On the 16th December Chris transmitted from Congo but the next transmission, received on the 19th, showed he had moved around 40km across the border and in to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Clement with Lyster and Martin

16 Dec 2011

At 12.44 on 15 December, Clement was still around 80km (50 miles) north-east of Lyster and around 100km (60 miles) north-west of Martin's new position in Congo. Will these birds get any closer? Watch this space.

Kasper still furthest south

16 Dec 2011

The last transmission from Kasper, at 05.49 on the 15 December, reports that he is still in his previous position, and is still the most southerly of our cuckoos.


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