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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Carlton II in Extremadura

25 Apr 2019
The latest updates from Carlton II's tag received at 08:00 this morning show that he has progressed north into west central Spain. He is now in Extremadura, near the small town of Torremenga.

Knepp is back!

25 Apr 2019
Updates received early this morning brought the news that the first of our satellite-tagged Cuckoos had made it back to the UK. Cuckoo Knepp, tagged on the Knepp Estate in Sussex last May is back in Sussex! We last heard from Knepp on April 17 when he was on the northern edge of the Atlas mountains in eastern Morocco. He was in the northern Sahara, near the oasis settlement of Ain Bni Mathar. Since then he has flown 1,880 Km (1,170 miles) north to reach his breeding grounds on the Knepp Estate. We hope that this is the first complete migration loop of many which we will follow Knepp on.

Thomas has crossed the Strait of Gibraltar

23 Apr 2019
Thomas has pushed north and made it into Spain. He is currently to the southwest of Gibraltar and the south of Algeciras, and only 2km (1.5 miles) from the coast.  

Robinson is on his way back

23 Apr 2019
Over the Easter weekend Robinson crossed the Mediterranean, seemingly just to the west of Sardinia, involving a 780km (485 miles) sea crossing. He is currently in Ardeche north of the town of Labatie d'Andaure. As the Cuckoo flies he is around 1,000km (619 miles) from his Sherwood Forest breeding site.

PJ isn't hanging around

23 Apr 2019
When his tag powered up on 18 April he was to the west of Madrid, central Spain. However, when his tag came on again around breakfast on 23 April he had left Spain and was in western France close to the town of La Roche-sur-Yon. This will automatically update on his map overnight. He is now only 658km (409 miles) from his Thetford Forest breeding site.

Lambert has crossed the desert

23 Apr 2019
Lambert began his desert crossing around 9.00am on 19 April and 24 hours later was 1,295km (805 miles) into the crossing and still going. By 9.00am on 21 April he had made it and was in northeastern Algeria and on the northern edge of the desert. His crossing speed was 68kph (42mph). He is currently in farmland to the south of the town of Chettouane Belaila.

Carlton II is on his way

23 Apr 2019
Over the Easter weekend we received a series of locations showing Carlton II heading across the desert and by early evening on 20 April he had made it to southern Morocco. He didn't hang around though as by the evening of 22 April he was in southern Spain, just to the north of Marbella. During this movement he has flown 3,283km (2,040 miles).

PJ is on his way

17 Apr 2019
During the last couple of days PJ has crossed the desert and is on his way back to the UK. A couple of poor quality locations received from his tag late in the evening on 16 April showed that he was crossing the Mediterranean east of the Strait of Gibraltar. We will have to wait until his tag powers on again late on 18 April to see where he makes landfall.

Thomas has crossed the desert

15 Apr 2019
A series of poor locations received from his tag during the morning of 15 April show that he is in northern Morocco around 40km (25 miles) from the Strait of Gibraltar. We will have to wait for good quality locations for this to update on his map.

Robinson has done it

15 Apr 2019
Robinson has successfully crossed the desert and is currently in northern Tunisia. He is on the southern edge of a wooded valley close to the town of Kasra and around 140km (90 miles) from the Mediterranean coast.


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