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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Carlton II makes it home

08 May 2019
Carlton II completed his return migration in the last few days, covering the 1,180 Km (733 miles) from northern Spain to Suffolk Wildlife Trust's Carlton Marshes Nature Reserve near Lowestoft.

Thomas is back

08 May 2019
In our last update we reported that Thomas was all at sea, 155 km (96 miles) west of the Saint-Pierre Light in Penmarch on the coast of Brittany in fact. Well, a short time later Thomas' tag transmitted again showing that he had covered the remaining 719 Km (447 miles) back to his tagging location in Thetford Forest, much to our relief. 

Lambert pushes north

02 May 2019
Updates received from Lambert's tag late yesterday afternoon show that he has flown 400 Km (249 miles) north from his last location in southern Spain to the La Rioja province of northern Spain, near the González-Lacasa Reservoir. 

Raymond has crossed the Sahara

02 May 2019
He's had us holding our breath waiting to see if he was going to make his move north and finally Sussex Cuckoo Raymond has crossed the Sahara. At 19:23 on April 29, Raymond was still south of the Sahara, in west central Ivory Coast. By 16:27 yesterday (May 1) he was in the middle of his desert crossing and had reached northern Mauritania. By 3:03 this morning (May 2) he was over the Middle Atlas mountain range in Morocco and by 08:35 he had reached his destination, 30 Km (19 miles) from the north coast of Morocco, near the commune of Iferni. This means that over the last 57 hours, Raymond has covered 3,031 Km (1,883 miles) at an average speed of 33 mph, crossing some of the most inhospitable places on earth. He now has "just" another 1,811 Km (1,125 miles) to go before he arrives back at his breeding grounds on the Knepp Estate. 

Lambert reaches Spain

29 Apr 2019
An update received from Lambert's tag this morning shows that he has crossed from northern Algeria into southern Spain. He is currently on the northern edge of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park, the largest protected area in Spain. Lambert has another 1,380 Km (857 miles) to go before he can join fellow Cuckoo Knepp back on the Knepp Estate in Sussex where he was tagged. 

Thomas reaches Portugal

29 Apr 2019
Thomas is making steady progress towards home having flown another 280 Km (173 miles) north west from his last location near Monesterio in the south of Extremadura to his new location in central Portugal. He is in the eastern part of the Serra de Estrela Natural Park.

Larry is home again!

29 Apr 2019
We last heard from Larry on April 14 when he was in northern Algeria. An update received from Larry’s tag at 05:48 Sunday morning (28 April) showed that he had covered 2,035 Km (1,264 miles) and is now back at his breeding grounds in the Forest of Bowland, Lancashire. Larry was tagged here in June 2015 so his successful return means he has now completed four full migration loops from Lancashire to his wintering grounds in Angola and back again. In completing each of his loops he covered approximately 16,000 Km (9,940 miles) so we have followed him over at least 64,000 Km (39,770 miles) – what a bird!

Farewell Selborne

29 Apr 2019
We are sorry to report sad news about Selborne. We last heard from Selborne at midday on 4 April when he had just arrived in Spain and it now looks as if he died later that day or overnight. His last location shows him over a southern ridge of the Sierra Morena mountains where it appears that he was stopped suddenly in his tracks as he topped that slope. We will probably never know what happened to Selborne but it would appear most likely that he was either taken by an avian predator or succumbed to human hunters. Selborne was named by the Hampshire Ornithological Society when he was tagged in June 2016. Since then we have followed Selborne over two complete migration loops from Hampshire to his wintering grounds in Gabon. He was only 1,430 Km (888 miles) from completing his third migration loop. We are grateful to the Hampshire Ornithological Society and all of Selborne's sponsors for enabling the wonderful contribution that Selborne has made to advancing our understanding of Cuckoo migration.

Robinson returns!

26 Apr 2019
When we last heard from Robinsonhe was in southern France, near the town of Labatie d'Andaure. At 21:07 last night we received an update from his tag that showed he had covered the remaining 1,000 Km (622 miles) of his return journey and he is now in the area he was tagged, near Budby in Nottinghamshire.

PJ is back!

26 Apr 2019
PJ completed the final leg of 645 Km (400 miles) of his return journey at 15:30 yesterday afternoon and is now back in the King's Forest in Suffolk. PJ was tagged in June 2016 so his successful return this year means that we have now tracked him over three complete migration loops from his breeding grounds near Thetford to his wintering grounds in Angola and back again. In previous years PJ has departed between June 23 and July 2 so we expect him to stay with us for around 9 weeks.


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