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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Stanley in Sardinia

15 Jul 2015

Stanley has left France and journeyed to the island of Sardinia, 560km (370 miles) to the south-east.  Previously only Sussex has ventured here on his way south.

Hennah in Africa and across the Sahara

15 Jul 2015

We've received good signals from Hennah's tag showing that he is not only in Africa but has already completed his crossing of the Sahara Desert and is now in Chad. He is the second Cuckoo to arrive in Africa this summer. Low quality signals were received on 12 July around lunchtime showing him in northern Libya and since then he has travelled 1825km (1130 miles) across the desert.   

Derek in Spain

14 Jul 2015

Derek has continued on from France and is now further south, in the Castille and Leon region of Spain.  He is currently the only one of our tagged Cuckoos in Spain, though Dudley passed this way earlier on his way south. 

David leaves Wales

10 Jul 2015

David has left Wales, and disregarding Chester whose current location is unknown, he is the last of our tagged Cuckoos to depart from the UK. He has travelled over 910km (560 miles) to northern France. 

Dudley is the first to Africa

10 Jul 2015

Dudley is the first of our tagged Cuckoos to make it to Africa this year, transmitting from southern Algeria yesterday, on the evening of 9 July. He has travelled over 1870km (1160 miles) from his location in Spain on 3 July. 

Last year the first Cuckoo in Africa was Meavy, transmitting on the very same date and followed a few days later by Dudley and Whortle who transmitted on the 12 July.  In previous years the earliest transmission dates from Africa have been a bit later on13 July 2011, 16 July 2012 and 18 of July 2013.

Charlie in Italy

08 Jul 2015

From Central France, Charlie has travelled a further 350km (220 miles) and is just inside Italy's border with France, in the Alps. 

Peckham in Italy

06 Jul 2015

From Switzerland, David Peckham continued south-east and onto the Lombardy region of Italyby the 4 July.

Derek on his way

08 Jul 2015

A series of poor signals on the 5 July suggested Derek had crossed the Channel and was in northern France. Signals recieved during the early hours of 7 July confirmed that he had indeed left Britain. However, he wasn't in northern France. He is currently in southern France just north of Pau and close to the northern edge of the Pyrenees.

Larry in Croatia

08 Jul 2015

A signal received during the early hours of the 6 July showed that Larry had left Hungary and was on the Croatian coast, just west of Vodice, 387km (240 miles) from his previous location.

Chris on the move again

08 Jul 2015

Chris's stay in the Netherlands was quite short this year. A signal during the early evening on 7 July showed that he was in Bavaria, just outside of the town of Langenthonhausen. This is the furthest east he has ventured since being fitted with his satellite tag.


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