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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Boris remains in Senegal

11 Oct 2017
Boris's tag has recently transmitted from Senegal but we are concerned that he hasn't moved south since his arrival there around the 20 September. While most of the other Cuckoos are moving east, it's a lilttle strange that Boris choose to go west in the first place. It may also be that his tag is suffering from lack of charge as there was a big gap between the last location in Mauritania and the first in Senegal. 

Larry remains in Chad

11 Oct 2017
Larry has remained in Chad since he arrived there at the end of August, moving only a short distance further south at the beginning of September. 

Victor moves into Gabon

10 Oct 2017
From northern Gabon, Victor has moved to eastern Gabon, travelling 270km (170 miles). He is now close to Mbay and the Mwagne National Park. Last year at this time he was in Cameroon where he remained until 26 October. He then went on to Angola, where we saw him spend last winter. 

PJ head east

10 Oct 2017
PJ has continued quickly onwards flying 290km (180 miles) in an easterly direction which has taken him into the Central African Republic. He is still just north of the Congo Basin area. 

Peckham moves to Italy

10 Oct 2017
By the 8 October, Peckham had traveled to a location 32km(20 miles) south-east of Milan, Italy, having flown around 245km (150 miles) from his previous location in Switzerland. If he makes it to Africa from here, he will be the latest arrival to Africa of all the tracked Cuckoos since the project began. The previous record was 3 October. Hopefully he is not too late to complete his journey successfully and become a record breaker for the project. 

PJ in Cameroon

03 Oct 2017
From Niger, PJ has traveled 1390km (860 miles) south east to Cameroon! He is just south of the Mbam et Djerem National Park and almost in the Congo Basin area, which covers the southern half of Cameroon and spans across six countries - Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. We expect him to move south into the Congo Basin over the next few weeks. 

Peckham in Switzerland

26 Sep 2017
A signal on 22 September shows Peckham continued on his way south from his last locations in Belgium and then France to reach Switzerland where he has remained for at least a couple of days. He is north-west of Stockholm, on the southern edge of the Gantrisch Nature Park, a mountainous area which includes many lakes. He also visited Switzerland in 2015, although was further to the north-east. He's still got a way to go to reach his wintering grounds but at least he is on his way! 

Mr Conkers heads east

20 Sep 2017
Mr Conkers has headed eastwards to Guinea and on to Mali.

Boris in Senegal

20 Sep 2017
A new signal from Boris's tag on 18 September places him in Senegal roughly 600km (350 miles) south west from his last location in Mauritania.  He is just south of the Senegal River and close to the town of Dagana. 

Peckham looks to be on the move

20 Sep 2017

A series of signals show Peckham is finally moving south. The last good signal showed him over the Ardennes Mountains in the south of Belgium but further locations of poorer quality indicate he continued on into northern France.

We've been following Peckham for a number of years and can see by the 20 September in both 2015 and 2016, Peckham was already in Africa and as far south as Chad. His journey this year has varied considerably from these!

He was one of the latest to arrive in Africa last year, with the first transmission received from Africa on 9 September. Throughout the project only three birds have arrived later than this, with two in mid-September and Lloyd, one of our Welsh birds tagged in 2012, not transmitting from Africa until 3 October that year. 

Despite arriving late last year his onward journey to reach Chad was fairly quick. Hopefully conditions will be favourable on the way south. We hope we will soon see him in Africa, all being well. 


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