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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Whortle continues north

15 Jan 2014

Since his 90km north-easterly movement from Lake Mai, Whortle has headed a further 76km (47 miles) in a north-westerly direction and is now 154km (96 miles) north of the lake, and just 10km from Mbandaka on the banks of the Congo River.

Tor still missing

15 Jan 2014

We still haven’t heard from Tor since his tag transmitted on 4 December. As that signal carried no diagnostic data we were unable to check his body temperature or the state of the tag’s battery. 

From most southerly to most northerly cuckoo

15 Jan 2014

Skinner has moved again but this time he has really gone for it, moving 1283km (795 miles) from his location close to Cuckoo Chris. After a short stopover in Gabon, following a northward movement of 757km (470 miles), he carried on north-west and as of 10pm on 13 January was in south-west Cameroon, 43km (27 miles) north of the border with Equatorial Guinea.  He has gone from being our most southerly Cuckoo to our most northerly, leapfrogging all of the other cuckoos since the beginning of the year.

Ken still settled in Gabon

15 Jan 2014

Ken is still in the same area in Gabon, on the edge of the Téké plateau, that he has frequented since the 25 October. His tag last transmitted from there on 13 January.

Chris now our most southerly Cuckoo

15 Jan 2014

Chris is still at his mid-winter location in Angola and, as a consequence of Skinner’s move north, is now our most southerly Cuckoo. We last heard from Chris at 09.30 on 13 January.

Derek moves north

15 Jan 2014

Derek has started to move north. At 08.30 on 14 January he had moved 120km (74 miles) north-east from his mid-winter location. He is now just 9km (6 miles) from Scottish Cuckoo Waller.

Skinner moves north

07 Jan 2014

By the 28 December, Skinner had travelled a short distance south but stayed in that location only briefly, heading north-west 130km (80 miles) towards the coast, and by 30 December was in Quiçama National Park. Due to war and poaching much of the wildlife, including the Elephant population, in this park was decimated but a rehabilitation programme during 2000 and 2001 saw two successful relocations of elephant from over populated parks in Botswana. 

The next signals received were on 6 January and revealed he had again moved on, 110km (65km) north. His new location means that he is now just 65km (40 miles) west of Chris, another of our East Anglian Cuckoos.  

Livingstone moves to Gabon

02 Jan 2014

Since the 23 December, Livingstone has moved 400km (250 miles), transmitting from the Woleu-Ntem region of Gabon on 30 December. He is now in a location further west than any of the other tagged Cuckoos. 

Patch and Whortle move away from Lake

30 Dec 2013

On the 24 December, locations show that Whortle had moved 90km (55 miles) north-east from his previous location near Lake Mai.

Patch stayed in his location near the lake until the 26 December but also moved away, in a north-westerly direction, of around 75km (47 miles). This movement took him close to the area which Waller had recently departed as he journeyed back to Congo. Will Patch follow Waller and move even further north?

Waller moves north to Congo

30 Dec 2013

Poor quality signals received from Waller's tag show that he remained in the area near the lake until at least the 21 December but by the evening of the 27 December he had travelled 240km (150 miles) north-west, leaving the Democratic Republic of Congo. He is now in Congo, just south of the edge of the Likouala Aux Herbes National Park, in which Chris has previously wintered in. Signals in the early morning of 30 December show that Waller he is still in the area.

Whortle and Patch have also both moved small distances from the lake, although in different directions.    


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