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Updates from our Cuckoos

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Stanley in Spain

18 Apr 2016

Poor quality locations show that Stanly probably left Algeria late on 10 April, crossing the Mediterranean during the night. By 2am on 11 April he was on a small island (Cabrera) off the south coast of Mallorca. By 13 April he had successfully crossed the Mediterranean and was in northern Spain, hot on the heels of Vigilamus. Stanley took around five hours to cross the sea to Cabrera on his overnight flight.

Peckham has crossed the Desert

18 Apr 2016

A location received from Peckham's tag during the morning of 10 April showed that he had crossed the Sahara. He was in southern Tunisia, just south of Tataouine, the Tataouine of Star Wars fame. A couple of poor quality locations received during the afternoon of 14 April show that he continued north across the Mediterranean and had made it on to the island of Corsica. We will have to wait for good quality locations to confirm this but we believe it to be the case. This would make Peckham our most northerly tagged cuckoo at this stage in their migration.

Larry in Europe

18 Apr 2016

It looks like Larry began his desert crossing on 10 April from Nigeria, crossing the Sahara at its widest point, around 2,600km (1,600 miles). A poor location received during the morning of 15 April put him in the Grand Erg Oriental Desert in northern Algeria. Several good quality locations received during the evening of 17 April showed that he had made it across the desert and was on Sardinia, northeast of Paulilatino.

Disco Tony is back

18 Apr 2016

We 'lost' Disco Tony on 13 March, and whilst we were not too concerned we do get a little anxious when this happens. So, it is good to be able to report that Disco Tony is back and on his way home. A series of locations received around breakfast on 17 April show him western Algeria, around 100km (60 miles) south of the Moroccan border. We don't expect him to hang around here as he hasn't quite finished crossing the desert.

David in Spain

18 Apr 2016

It looks like David left Guinea on 12 April and headed north across the western edge of the Sahara. Several poor quality locations received on 14 April placed him in northern Mauritania, pretty much in the middle of his Saharan crossing. During the early morning of 17 April, we received confirmation via a good quality location, that he had successfully crossed the desert, and the western Mediterranean, and was in the Sierra Morena Mountains in southern Spain.

Coo heading home

18 Apr 2016

Coo is on his way back! Locations recieved during the evening of 16 April showed him close to a large lake, Hassi el Morra Tahtania, in the northeastern Algerian desert. However, since then we have received three poor quality locations that show he didn't stay here long. The poor locations place him close to Los Menas in southern Spain. We will have to wait for good quality locations to confirm this but it does look like he has crossed the desert and the Mediterranean.

Stanley shoots over the Sahara

07 Apr 2016

Having rested in the Ivory Coast and been overtaken by Coo and David, Stanley has suddenly sprung back into action, with his latest signals trasmitting from northern Algeria. Stanley is now in second position in the Cuckoo race back to the UK. Will he catch Vigilamus?

Stanley still in Ivory Coast

05 Apr 2016

Stanley has been settled in Ivory Coast for over ten days now. Locations received from him during the morning of 1 April show that he has been overtaken by Coo and David and is now lagging behind four other Cuckoos in the race to get back to the UK.

Peckham unmoved - for now

05 Apr 2016

Locations received from Peckham on 29 March show that he has been in the same area of Ivory Coast for 21 days. It will remain to be seen how much longer he stays there. It could be that he will be the next Cuckoo to cross the desert, only time will tell.

Larry heading west

05 Apr 2016

Locations received from Larry on 26 March showed that he had left Cameroon and headed west into Nigeria. More locations from the early morning of 5 April show that he is still in the area of Nigeria he arrived in ten days earlier. He is currently just south of Old Oyo National Park and just over 100km (70 miles) from the border with Benin.


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