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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Victor heads north

21 Dec 2016
Signals received from Victor's tag today show that he has left the area he was in, close to PJ, and headed 130km (81 miles) north within Angola. He is now less than 5 miles from both Larry and Bill!  

161324 is named

21 Dec 2016
Cuckoo 161324 has received a name, Victor! He has been kindly named by Mrs Ann Masters in memory of her husband Vic. Good luck on your return journey Victor.  

161321 leaves area of National Park

07 Dec 2016
Signals receied today show that 161321 has just left the area of the Moukalaba-Doudou National Park and headed 100km (60 miles) north within Gabon. He has been in Gabon for almost two months now and was joined by Peckham several weeks ago.

PJ heads north

06 Dec 2016
At  the beginning of December PJ made a relatively large movement northwards, travelling 280km (175 miles). He is now in the same area of Angola as four of the other Cuckoos, with just 215km (135 miles) separating the most northerly from the most southerly within Angola. Larry and Bill, who are closest to each other, are separated by only a few miles.

Larry and Bill in the same area

06 Dec 2016
Of the four Cuckoos in Angola, Larry and Bill are now only a few miles apart, after small southwards movement from Bill throughout November. 

David settled in winter location

06 Dec 2016

David has remained in the Parc National De La Salonga Nord. In previous years he has headed south only a little further, into the Parc National De La Salonga Sud, before then starting his northward journey again in January or February.

Peckham in last year's wintering location

06 Dec 2016
Peckham has moved 90km (55 miles) south and is now in the same area where he spent last winter, close to Okandja in Gabon.

161321 heads west

23 Nov 2016
161321 has travelled westwards towards the coast of Gabon and now looks to be around the area of Moukalaba-Doudou National Park, about 85km (50 miles) inland. 

Peckham heads south

23 Nov 2016
Peckham has finally moved further south, and closer to the other Cuckoos. After a journey of 940km (580 miles) he has left the Central African Republic and is (just) within the borders of Gabon. Last year he also wintered in Gabon, at a location slightly further southwest. His recent movement is over a month later than last year's arrival date in Gabon.  It will be interesting to see whether he heads to the same location as last year, or if he moves even further south, which may give more weight to the idea that conditions are drier and less favourable in Gabon and areas of the Congo rainforest this year. 

Markoo in Angola

17 Nov 2016

By the 10 November, Markoo had ventured 365km (225 miles) south within the Republic of Congo. A couple of days later, on the 12, he had journeyed a further 320km (200 miles) and was the latest Cuckoo to join the four already in Angola. This is a record number of our satellite-tagged Cuckoos wintering in Angola in the same year. This is probably due to lower-than-average rainfall in the areas of the Congo rainforest we have seen them winter in before and higher-than-average rainfall in Angola.  


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