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Updates from our Cuckoos

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Sylvester in southern France

02 Jul 2018
Sylvester stayed a week in northern France before flying the length of the country and making it to the foothills of the Pyrenees, close to Arudy on 29 June. The next day he moved north again and then west. He is currently in wooded farmland close to Castaignos-Souslens in southwest France.

Sherwood U-turns

02 Jul 2018
Having headed south from Gaillon, north of Paris, Sherwood reached as far south as Riberac, 450km (278 miles) south, before turning northeast and then north and flying another 255km (158 miles). Having flown over 700km (400 miles) he is only 288km (179 miles) from Gaillon. Presumably this u-turn is a response to conditions further south, although the weather looks OK.

Selborne in Spain

02 Jul 2018
Selborne is currently our most southerly Cuckoo. He only stayed four days in western France before he was off again, flying around the western end of the Pyrenees and into Spain. He is 495km (308 miles) southwest of the mountains and in a straight line, 1,200km (746 miles) from the New Forest, Hampshire. Selborne is following the route he has taken in the last two years and is currently just to the south of Salamanca. In 2016 he left Spain on 9 July but lingered until 23 July in 2017, his next stop is on the southern edge of the Sahara in Mali. It will be interesting to see when he leaves this year. 

Robinson in the Alps

02 Jul 2018
Two locations received this morning at 05:00 show that Robinson has moved further south and is at the eastern end of Lake Geneva, Switzerland, close to Saint-Maurice. He is now just under 1,000km (600 miles) south and east of Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire. His new location will show on the map tomorrow when it will be automatically updated.

Knepp has moved again

02 Jul 2018
After spending a couple of weeks around Voves in northern France, Knepp has moved south and west. He is currently in western France close to a block of woodland north of La Ferriere-en-Parthenay, 223km (138 miles) from his northern stopover.

Carlton II has left the UK

02 Jul 2018
A series of locations received around breakfast on 2 July show that Carlton II has finally left his Suffolk home and headed south. Having made the move he has gone for it. He is on the western outskirts of Bordeaux, 881km (547 miles) southwest of Carlton Marshes. This should show on the map when they automatically update tomorrow morning.

Cameron heads south - and west

02 Jul 2018
Since crossing the Channel and spending a bit of time in the Foret Domaniale des Andaines, Cameron has moved again. He is currently moving around small pockets of woodland just to the northwest of Saint-Denis-d'Anjou, 239km (148 miles) south west of his previous stop. 

Selborne on the west coast of France

26 Jun 2018
Selborne didn't stay very long in northern France. He is currently on the west coast, to the east of Rochefort.

Raymond isn't hanging around

26 Jun 2018
Since leaving the Knepp Estate it seems that Raymond has the bit between the teeth. Having spent only a couple of days in northern France, by 22 June he was on the move again. Locations received mid-afternoon on 24 June showed that he had crossed the western end of the Pyrenees and continued south into Castilla y Leon in northern Spain. He is currently moving around wooded hillsides close to Olvega.

PJ has left the forest

26 Jun 2018
A series of locations received from PJ's tag on the evening of 23 June showed that he was no longer in Thetford Forest, Norfolk and that he was in northern France. He is currently in Burgundy, between Carisey and Tissey, an area of farmland interspersed with fairly large tracts of woodland.


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